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Dear Deziree Episode #36

Dear Deziree,

I am writing to you today because I am both confused and a little scared. You see I have been on my spiritual journey for a few years now and as with all of us that have chosen to walk this path, many things have changed and shifted for me. I have had “close” friends drop away, lost a couple of jobs that didn’t fit me, had a long term relationship end etc…

For me, this hasn’t been too bad as I somehow knew that these things needed to happen to grow so I have been ok with them, so to speak. Lately, however, I am feeling restless and unsettled as if something is bubbling beneath the surface like a pot of boiling water with a lid on it waiting to blow. I have never felt quite like this before and quite honestly, I am starting to feel scared of this feeling, almost as if something catastrophic is about to happen. Adding to the fear is that I seriously don’t know what else could possibly happen to me and the thoughts running through my head are terrifying. Please help me to understand and if possible, learn to control these feelings!

Jackie, San Antonio, TX


Dear Deziree Screenshot


Dear Jackie,

Great job on going with the flow of your “Awakening”!

It sounds to me that you are coming to the end of the “Emptying” phase! You have been releasing and purging what is no longer needed on your journey. My Intuition tells me that (boiling pan with the lid about to blow Feeling) is your own inner guidance system letting you know that you are coming to the end of this process. The fear you are feeling is the fear of the unknown. You have carried all those fears, beliefs, burdens etc. for decades, you have been emptying for quite some time I feel, and the fear is coming because you’re at the end of a cycle. Unfamiliar territory for you, if all that I know is gone, what now?

You know what you let go of was unhealthy, but what is my life going to look like healthy? You are between two worlds in a sense. Leaving unhealthy and walking towards healthy. Take your time adjusting to this new wonderful chapter that you are about to enter. Take only the lessons of the past and apply them when needed and be open to all possibilities of new healthy relationships, career opportunities etc.

Congratulations you are connected to Soul now!

Be Extraordinary,
Kimberly Deziree


The intention of Dear Deziree is to use the intuitive gifts of Kimberly Deziree to give you guidance regarding your spiritual business. As with EVERYTHING in life, we need to take 100% responsibility for ourselves. Her response is meant to give you guidance, but ultimately you are responsible for you. Enjoy!


