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Daily Spiritual Practices for a Joyful Life

Do you have daily spiritual practices that form a foundation for your life? What are they?

I will touch on what works for me – giving me balance and support as I go through life. I hope some of this will inspire you if you are searching for some spiritual support.

Every day I start and end the day with 20 minutes of Transcendental Meditation. This involves sitting upright in bed, clearing the mind and meditating on a mantra of one word.

TM, as it is known, was practiced by The Beatles and other famous celebrities who spread the word to the West. It comes from India and was channeled by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I have tried other forms of meditation and this is the one which works for me.

Since I started this practice four years ago I have noticed the connection I have with the Universe and what messages I am channeled have become so much stronger, my intuition has grown deeply and I trust and have faith in a Higher Power to support me as never before.

After TM I do some gentle yoga for about 10 minutes to stretch my body.  I will drink a cup of warm water and the juice of half a lemon first thing to cleanse and support the liver.

I light a candle and put some essential oil in the burner depending on what I need at that time whether it’s relaxation (lavender) or to balance mind, body, and spirit (frankincense).

Then I journal in my gratitude diary sending thanks for the day ahead as if it has already happened. Part of this involves writing down three things I am grateful for. I also make space to write down later the three good deeds I will do that day.

I finish my morning routine with The Balance Procedure – this is a simple, powerful relaxation technique that uses geometric shapes on nine cards. The technique balances and relaxes my energies so that I am in a space where I can easily manifest what I need in my life right now. It takes less than five minutes and sets me up for the day. You can use the cards throughout the day when you become aware that your emotions are out of balance – in other words, you are aware for instance that you have moved out of the place of joy, hope, and optimism to anger, jealousy, and insecurity.

These daily practices create a clear mind, body, and spirit that allows me to be resilient for whatever life presents to me and to understand why that situation has appeared in my life. I am also able to be a better Creator of the life I want.

Some of the effects: understanding of your Soul Purpose for this lifetime, inspiring more people to take action to live their Soul Purpose, manifesting more income to be able to bring positive change to the planet, feeling greater love and compassion towards oneself and others, more trust and faith, feeling youthful and grateful for the majority of the day. It is all a work in progress and one day I will have reached a place where I am grateful and joyful for the whole day. And that day is when I will have reached Enlightenment.

If you would like to find out more about The Balance Procedure here is the link:

