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Creating the Opportunity to Become a Conduit for Infinite Wisdom

When articulating from the ‘feeling’ instead of the preconceived and learned language we believe is what the audience want to hear, we can tap into the fullest expression of who we are.

We’re giving ourselves the best possible chance to articulate something we didn’t even know that we knew, that takes us deeper and further into an idea, our craft or our subject than we’ve ever been before.

Effectively you’ve dropped into FLOW or as I enjoy describing it, a CONDUIT for infinite wisdom.

From this place, you have no competition. You stand out as a unique piece of art.

Often this place of sharing, referred to mostly as the Heart, is mistaken for the need to share personal information, or perhaps the old saying ‘wearing your heart on your sleeve’. However, this is beyond that and into an unknown space that none of us can name with certainty…yet.

What I mean, when referring to the Heart, is this — seeking the deepest truth of ourselves, which is always there but beyond our commonly used thinking brain. It’s when we give ourselves the time and space required to truly articulate our subject in a way that’s original and full of our deepest truth.

The difference in connection and engagement is vast. I see thousands of clients go from merely trying to explain what they do in a way that sounds the same as anyone else, to finally lighting up and holding an audience on the edge of their seat. And this is all done by actually doing and saying less.

We’re taught at school to learn information and then repeat it. This is what many do also when learning to speak, and others, of course, will do this for their entire speaking career. It’s the saturation level of mediocrity of which many speakers don’t even know they operate in (I don’t mean to make this sound harsh, but what else can we call it?). If we want to take Presenting from good to great or great to World Class, being able to work from this divine space, beyond our thinking brains is essential.

To play or operate at a deeper level when speaking, first, we have to remove the one fundamental human thing we desire most – CERTAINTY. You cannot have certainty on stage if your highest intention is to play at the level of being in flow or allowing yourself to become a conduit for infinite wisdom. Certainty does not exist there because you’re tapping into something far greater than yourself. And this doesn’t play by our needy rules.

Presenting is an incredibly spiritual experience when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and be present enough to remove certainty and instead trust that when you drop out of your head and into your ‘Heart’ something truly special is being given the opportunity to exist.

This, in my experience, is the holy grail of Presenting.


