In this Three-Part Series expert presenter Patty Adamik has invited us into her process of how to create your healing space, from concept to curriculum and now she shares her follow up.
This is where so many workshops and retreats fall short. Participants have this amazing experience, but it is so different from everyday life, that it doesn’t sustain after the return home. As a heart-centered retreat facilitator, you really do want to make sure that the transformation holds and everyday life never feels ordinary again! That is why after the retreat, you want your follow-up support to integrate the changes you have nurtured in the retreat to be experienced into daily life.
Grow Your Spiritual Business
A successful retreat with your expert curriculum, personal guidance, and intuitive skills will elevate your participants to reach new heights and become loyal brand ambassadors for you. The experience will be a number one memory. They will be your very best referrals and give glowing testimonials for years to come.
This is an opportunity to help your participant’s process and integrate the experience. It is also an opportunity for you to learn what worked, what you want to add or change for next time.
The 3 elements of follow up are:
- Provide your participants with a memory of the retreat with content they can use as a resource.
- Offer them an opportunity to continue the growth process with a clear and easy opt-in.
- Ask them for their thoughts and experiences as a referral, testimonial or critique.
One of the standout moments during the Soul Sanctuary retreat was a Wise Woman Vision Quest. It was a meditative journey with a written journal to clarify goals, led by Patty.
When the retreat was over, she sent everyone a sound file of the Vision Quest and a pdf copy of the journal. It was a perfect choice of follow up because it let everyone re-live a magic moment under the moon overlooking the ocean. And, it stays fresh because it can be used, updated, saved and referred back to.
Patty included her opportunity to continue the growth with an invitation to connect with her in the journal. See it here.
She sent an inquiry for testimonials about the Vision Quest and got these heartfelt replies.
“As she led me through the vision quest exercise to reach my juicy core out went scarcity. In came flirtatious play with abundance, gemstones, prosperity, fertility, provision & fruitfulness.
Patty’s Vision Quest was a unique BodyMindSpirit experience for me. It was a full-on meet and greet mindful encounter with my own private wise woman counselor and healer within; a true self-empowerment touchstone.
Thank you, Patty, for moving me into my new phase with grace and ease.
The right sounds intertwined with intention and openness allowed me to hear with a new ear. I have a new love for this practice which can be used for much more than I realized!”
These testimonials and the beautiful pictures that hold the memories are a lovely addition to a website, newsletter, speaker sheets or flyers. The benefits of your successful retreat will impact your opportunities and collaborations for years.
Now, are you ready to Create Your Healing Space?
We offer retreat facilitation for heart-centered professionals who teach programs of change and transformation, in the holistic healing, artistic and intuitive arts. CLICK HERE to find out more.