We all desire to do what we love. Trust me it makes life so much easier when you have a beautiful heart connection to the work that you do. Struggling to build your business or stand out from the crowd can take you out of your heart center which affects your joy factor in creating your business. So what’s a person to do?
Ask questions, do some research and create your strategy.
If you don’t know what is out there in the market, you will not be able to determine how you differ and offer what people are looking for. So let me help you out with a template:
Start with your specific group of people that you help and ask – Who would they see as my competitors?
Example: Flower Shop.
Now you might think that other flower shops are vying for your clients time and money. Nope. Flowers sell forgiveness, love, and appreciation.
So what other companies sell this emotion? Chocolate Shops, Jewellery AND Flower Shops.
If you want to be dollar for dollar. Choose just flower shops. If you want to build a relationship so that your customers love their experience with you and refer to you then you need to create a system that creates an emotion within them.
Once you have this list, the internet becomes your friend to assist you with your research.
1. Who are the major ones?
2. Is location a factor? How about parking, ease of access?
3. How many are there?
4. How much of the market do they have?
5. How do they market – superior product, price, speed, location, service?
Now that you have this delicious information – what do you offer to them as an experience that is different? How do you offer it differently? How do you put that into marketing?
Let’s do another example: Therapy sessions.
What do you offer? Not your therapy name. What is the outcome that you offer them and what is your experience?
Example continued:
Acupuncturist – offers relief from chronic pain and a sense of feeling supported and nurtured through a series of 12 session which focuses on aches in joints so that you can play with your kids pain-free.
Specific Group – Arthritic clients with children
Competitors – Osteopaths, Qi Gong Classes, General Medicine Doctors, Supplement Companies – such as Aleve, Herbal Products, etc.
Once you know who you are, what you are offering and how to do it from a place of the heart your marketing strategy will explode your business so that people are able to find you and are in love with your offer and who you be. Take the time to do the work and it becomes a win-win for everyone.