There is a place where you crave peace and try to find it and it seems evasive. It takes embracing the healer within, the shaman within, the infinite wisdom that you possess and know that you are safe to be who you are.
When you need that space you can create with the power of your mind. You can allow yourself access to space through meditation, lucid dreaming, shamanic journeys, and connecting with your angels and spirit guides.
Create your reality by using your mind to take you places you have not allowed yourself to go. Fear cannot be the determiner for not wanting to dream. Dreaming is the gate to go through to live a life that you love. Allow yourself the container to dream, a safe place for you to be alone with your thoughts.
You probably want to know some practical steps to access this reality. First, take it easy on yourself. Take the stress off of yourself. Carve out time and area for you to connect to the divine. Set aside a sacred place whether it’s your bedroom, in nature, in your bath, sitting by the ocean, make a special place. Then take time to be alone with your thoughts. Finally, and this is huge! Trust yourself.
Make sure that you trust your connections.
In conclusion, as you trust your intuition, clear your mind, make sacred space and take time to be alone, you will find your piece of peace.