Hello, my fellow spiritual entrepreneurs. Kimberly Maska here!
We know nothing happens by accident. You are here for a reason, and that reason is to learn how to share your gifts with the world. Now, I bet the biggest thing that’s been holding you up is how you maintain your 5D vibration and still create 3D success.
I get it, and I see that as the biggest struggle with my clients and fellow spiritual entrepreneurs. So I’ve made it my mission to show you how to successfully integrate the 5D and the 3D so that you can have success and share your message with the world.
Now, a little about this podcast… Just be prepared because you’re going to hear concepts around money, business, and spirituality that might press up against some of the limiting beliefs that you have. That’s awesome because I also know that it’s my purpose to trigger people to move that stagnant energy so that you can be a successful, abundant spiritual entrepreneur. Let’s jump right into the Kimberly Maska Podcast.
In today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about, Are you a spiritual entrepreneur? Whenever I tell people that I work with spiritual entrepreneurs, they usually give me this kind of weird, quizzical look, like, What are you talking about? But if you’re one, you know exactly what I’m talking about, don’t you? So, are you a spiritual entrepreneur?
It’s very funny; I was working with a coach several years ago. When I said I was working with spiritual entrepreneurs, he looked at me and said, “So if a guy does yoga, but he’s spiritual and he meditates every morning, is that a spiritual entrepreneur?” I had to go hmm. Here I thought I was being so clear on my message only to discover I was not that clear, so let’s talk about what it means to be a spiritual entrepreneur.
First, I would venture to guess if you’re here listening to this, you’re probably raising your hand and saying, “Yes, that’s me. I am a spiritual entrepreneur.” And to me, that means that you are here to help shift consciousness on the planet. You’ve got this feeling down in your gut that says, I want to help. I want to serve, I have a message. You’ve also probably gone through some amazing awakening process. We always think, Oh, I’m awake now.
We think somehow that’s a beautiful process, but we all know (those of us who’ve gone through that awakening, that dark night of the soul), that that is not as pretty as we would like it to be, is it? But you’ve gone through that experience for a reason, and that reason is for you to be able to share your message and share your experience, right?
Source put you through that whole process so that you would expand and grow and then be able to teach it. To me, that is what it means to be a spiritual entrepreneur, that we are ready to take that message and step out in a major way.
Now, I sometimes joke around, the word entrepreneur, and I call it a wantrepreneur because often people think that they want to be an entrepreneur. But you know what happens? They allow the 3D to get in their way.
It’s fascinating, but when we go through that awakening process, we get so excited with the information that we’ve learned at a 5D level. Right? We have this new awareness, and this new awareness makes us want to, I don’t know, not be in the 3D anymore. I see that happen a lot with spiritual entrepreneurs. When that happens, that’s when I kind of joke around and say they’re a spiritual wantrepreneur because they haven’t learned how to integrate that 5D and 3D together.
So my goal for this entire podcast (and everything we discuss) is to be able to show you how to integrate, to be able to take your 5D vibration, your 5D awareness, and integrate it into the 3D so that you can have 3D success. If we’re not having success here in the 3D, well, then we’re not serving.
If you have this amazing 5D vibration and you want to go out and just tell people how amazing it is, and you’re going to expect them to follow you that way, well, you know, I’ve seen people try it, and it just doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because we’re missing our soul connection with our tribe. Really, what we’re really missing is the 3D marketing and sales piece.
I know that feels really uncomfortable for a lot of people, but my goal during our time together on this podcast (and these many episodes to come) is really to alleviate all of that anxiety and frustration around marketing and around sales. I know when I show my clients how to connect at a soul level with their tribe, that soul-level connection almost makes marketing go away. You’re still going to have to do it in a 3D way, but it’s going to feel good — that seems to be a really big issue.
How many of you guys out there have worked with coaches before, and you’re like, “Ugh, this just doesn’t feel right, and it doesn’t feel good”? Because it doesn’t feel good, what happens? You don’t do it because it feels uncomfortable, and it feels icky.
We have to find the way to take that integration piece, that 5D vibration, and bring it into the 3D so that the marketing part feels good. The way I’ve learned to do that is to have a deep soul connection with my tribe. When you have a deep soul connection with your tribe, truly, the marketing part becomes so easy — even the sales piece, which I know that’s a big hurdle for most spiritual entrepreneurs.
That part, when you’re connecting to your soul tribe at a soul level, is amazing, but the sales part becomes easy. There is almost no sales because you’re just connecting at a soul level with your tribe, and you’re offering a service that’s going to change their life. That’s what makes a successful spiritual entrepreneur; you are able to integrate the two pieces so that it feels good. If your business doesn’t feel good, why would you do it?
We have to be in full alignment with who we are and really in full alignment with Source at every moment so that our businesses feel amazing. It has to feel good, it has to be fun, and it has to create abundance for you. As a spiritual entrepreneur — let’s go back to that for a second — as a spiritual wantrepreneur, so many times, the money piece comes up. We’re like, Ooh, that doesn’t feel good. Who’s going to pay me for my services? All of those little negative beliefs around money start to creep in.
Well, when we learn to integrate, we see that the money piece has to be there. That money is just energy. When we are acting in our full alignment with source and serving our clients at the highest level, there is an energy exchange, and there should be.
When there isn’t an energy exchange, we get out of balance, and that “out of balance” creates all sorts of issues in our lives. There has to be an energy exchange, but a balanced energy exchange. That’s one of the big topics we’ll be covering together on this podcast, as well, because I know that “word,” that M word money gets everybody every single time.
I know that it’s actually part of my life’s mission to help people shift consciousness and shift their vibration around money. Whether we like it or not, money is here on this 3D planet. It’s how we survive. It’s not only how we survive; it’s how we thrive.
When we’re abundant, we’re not worried about money. We are free to use our high vibration to really work on our gifts and build a connection with source. It alleviates issues. When you have money, solutions become simple.
We have to be able to heal this process around money. We have to be able to heal this vibration around money because it’s just energy. It’s not fair to poor, little, old money to have all of these low-vibrational sayings about it, that it’s evil, that it turns people into bad people. The list goes on and on. We have to heal this process so that we can see money in a different light.
To be a true spiritual entrepreneur, you have to have a beautiful relationship with money. Again, since money is just energy and you’re doing an energy exchange for clients, and you’re changing client’s lives, then you can use that money to give back out into the world to help the people who need it. How amazing is that? We get to use our power as lightworkers to imbue money with our energy, with the energy and love that can change the planet.
That’s why it is so necessary for spiritual entrepreneurs to be wealthy; we can imbue that money with love, and then take that money and change the planet. That’s how we’re going to have a major impact.
If you’re in scarcity around money and everything else, you’re not having the impact you could be having because your vibration is too low. You can’t get out there in a major way.
The most important piece of this spiritual entrepreneur part is aligning vibrationally with who you are and being able to integrate that 5D with that 3D, which means having a beautiful relationship with money. This is everything we’re going to be covering here on the Kimberly Maska podcast. I can’t wait to talk to you in the next episode.
Wondering if you’re a spiritual entrepreneur? Pick up my international bestselling book by that very name, Are You a Spiritual Entrepreneur? Available on Amazon today: getbook.at/SpiritualEntrepreneur