Taylor Paige is an internationally recognized intuitive, sought-after celebrity angel reader, spiritual teacher, and the owner of Angels & Amethyst, where she offers both angel and birth chart readings, as well as private events and workshops and currently has a waiting list of 400+. Her mission is to connect as many people as possible to the wisdom and guidance of their angelic guides. Taylor is completely self-taught and led by the angelic realm. Her sole intention is to help her clients connect with their angels and ultimately, their highest self. Taylor’s clientele includes celebrities and influencers and her demographic is mainly women ranging from their 20’s to 60’s. Common topics in Taylor’s readings include guidance on careers, love lives, and signs from angels, like angel numbers; and with clients numbering in the thousands, Taylor now offers her services virtually; full-time and worldwide (6 of 7 continents!) In addition to Angels & Amethyst, Taylor has taught workshops through the spiritual community of Almost 30 and has been featured as a guest on EXPANDED by To Be Magnetic and My Current Obsession, amongst others. She is currently living in Southern California with her fiancé and her dog, Ronaldo. Find Taylor on angelsandamethyst.com.
Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, I am your host, Kimberly Maska, and today we have joining us Taylor Paige, an internationally recognized intuitive and sought after celebrity angel reader. Taylor, welcome and thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?
TAYLOR PAIGE: Thanks for having me. I’m doing great, happy to be here.
Excellent! So, could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?
TAYLOR: I think like many people walking the path of an intuitive, I started out terrified of my heightened sensitivities. I have a theory that this conquering of the fear around seeing energy or knowing things you “shouldn’t be able to know,” is a special ingredient towards embracing this path. When I was young, I was very scared, and I completely shut off to my intuition. I made choices that weren’t in alignment with my highest self and ended up sick, on the wrong career path, and in an abusive relationship. Finally, I hit a rock bottom at 25, and accepted that I had to untie the spiritual blindfold and connect back with my intuition. That is when I decided to invite my angels in. I realized that by blocking out the “bad,” or misunderstood, I was also blocking out all the benevolent forces asking to guide and help me. My family is very spiritual, and I was gifted an Oracle Deck very early on by my cousin. I started using it to read for myself, then I read for friends, they told their friends, and it spiraled into what it is today with years of practice and consistency!
How inspiring! Your spiritual work is largely based on the angelic energy surrounding your clients, mainly women, with common topics in your readings including guidance on careers, love lives, and signs from angels, like angel numbers. Do you follow your own, special guide to the signs that angels are communicating to your clients that you share with us?
TAYLOR: Yes! I do have my own language of signs with my angels. I know different symbols have different meanings. For example, a rainbow in my readings means a beautiful new beginning or pathway, an X means a client is at an important crossroads, a pyramid means that they are going through ascension symptoms, and a house means that they may be moving or needing to upgrade the energy in their home. There are too many examples to list, but in my workshop series, “Be your own angelic intuitive,” I teach my students that they can make their own index of signs with their angels. You can even do it with angel numbers! It makes it a lot easier to understand what they are saying to you. But, a safe bet of what your angels are trying to say when you aren’t sure is that they love you and are always with you.

You have an interesting approach to angelic connection and online dating. How can online dating and dating apps be the best arena for practicing and utilizing our own intuition?
TAYLOR: Yes! I’m planning to release a course on this later in the summer because there is so much to say. Online dating can be so draining and uninspiring, but I truly believe technology is another avenue for our angels to send us miracles. It’s the perfect opportunity to set your intention before you swipe to connect with your partner of highest good, OR to ask your angels to show you anything you need to know and practice getting intuitive information. As you scroll, open your senses to each person, see how you feel, what inklings you get, stay open and curious. Instead of focusing on random information about this person, make sure to focus on what you need to know about a partnership or romantic experience with them. Feeling into the energy of strangers is morally grey. So, focus on who this person could be to YOU. When you match with someone, it’s the perfect time to practice speaking your full truth and standing in your power. I met my husband on Bumble!
With all the current negative noise around us today, more and more people are turning to lightworkers in their search for peace and comfort. In your experience, what are your favorite tools to use to increase our connection with our angels and find that inner peace?
TAYLOR: The number one thing I recommend is to invite your angels in out loud every day. Our angels honor our free will and won’t intervene if we don’t invite them in. You don’t have to do it out loud, but I recommend beginners to working with their angels do. I also recommend meditating each day with the intention of connecting with your angels. That is the best way for them to send you messages. Be patient with yourself, it takes time to develop your language with them. Like any relationship, it takes trust and consistency.
Is there a final message you want to let our readers know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?
TAYLOR: Every single person has angels. This work is your birthright. You are so loved and supported. Invite your angels in and watch your life change. And the very last thing I’ll say is to watch out for scammers on social media! No intuitive or healer will ever cold dm you asking to read for you or for money.
Thank you, Taylor, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!
Taylor: Thank you so much for having me!