Hi, I’m Kimberly Maska, the founder of Spiritual Biz Bootcamp and publisher of this magazine, Spiritual Biz Magazine.
We are here to talk about your 2018 goals.
What does that look like for you as a spiritual entrepreneur?
It’s amazing how I hear this all the time, “I want to help the people. I want to be able to really get out there and help the people.” Yet there seems to be this huge disconnect with spiritual entrepreneurs between the idea of helping people and actually creating a business.
If you really want to help the people, you must have a business in place. It’s just a fact. How does Oprah change so many lives? She has an amazing business. How does Deepak Chopra get out here and have millions of followers? Because he has a business. That’s how you do this, guys. If you want to have a major impact, it’s time to step out and have a business.
Now we’re going to talk about that business and what does that look like. I’m here to talk about how to hit your goals for 2018. We’re going to focus on the fact that you’re going to have a business and that you’re really going to get out there and change lives and have a ripple effect.
You’ve been given these gifts by a source to step out with them and have an impact on the planet. If you’re sitting at home with these amazing gifts that you’ve been given and all this knowledge that you have and you’re not doing anything with it, I’ll be quite honest and say that it’s pretty selfish. And it’s selfish because you were given those gifts to really step out and really help change lives.
Let’s just assume 2018 is your year. You are going to step out in a major way and start to use those gifts that you’ve been given. You’re going to honor source and you’re going to honor yourself by actually utilizing your gifts to change lives.
Now let’s talk about how to have a strategy in place for 2018. What does that look like? We’re going to go over three steps. Pretty simple – three things that you need to know about creating your 2018 strategy to get out there and really change lives.
I have a Facebook group called Spiritual Biz Success. There are about 9,000 spiritual entrepreneurs in there – people that are working their way towards being spiritual entrepreneurs, they’re going from having hobbies to actually having real businesses. I posted there the other day and said, “What are your goals for 2018?” It was pretty fascinating to see all the responses and actually quite exciting about how many people are ready to step out and do this.
Though, I noticed a little disconnect. There were a few people that were like: “I want to make a $100K a month,” or “I want to make a $1 million in a year and I want to change a million lives.” I love the passion behind all of that and that’s really incredible, and I’m like, “This is totally doable,” but sometimes those goals feel so far out that we get wobbly when we try to get there.
Therefore, when you’re creating your spiritual business and creating your strategy for 2018, the first thing that we need to realize is…
STEP #1 –
While it’s amazing to say, “I want to help a million people and make a million dollars,” first, there’s a problem with that in my mind. It doesn’t add up because a million people that you are serving at a $1 Million, that’s $1 a person and I’m pretty sure that the gifts that you’ll have are worth way more than that. You are transforming lives in a major way so you definitely want to be having an energy exchange that has the value of what you do. If you’re just charging a dollar, that’s not a lot of value. If you’re intuitive and you’re charging low prices, you are kind of just a ‘dog-and-pony show’ because you’re just an entertainment. That’s entertainment money. You want people to really value what you are doing and really get how important it is so that they can change their lives.
So we’re going to get rid of the idea of $1 a person. We’re going to talk about what that value is in just a second here. But we want to make sure first that we’re in vibrational alignment with our goals. So right now, if you’re making $40K-$50K a year, that is great… And now you’re like, “My goal for 2018 is to get my spiritual business up and running and make $120K a year.” I think that’s a very doable leap in my mind. I help my clients do that every day through Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. So I see that consistently happen. I know that can consistently happen.
Sometimes, let’s say, someone will be making $2K a month in their spiritual business, and then they want to jump to $20K a month or $50K a month. Again, these are very doable numbers. But if you are going from $2K to $50K, that’s kind of a huge gap and there’s a wobble. So when we’re wobbly about our desire, it doesn’t come forth, right? The universe gets confused because we start thinking all these thoughts like, “Oh, maybe that’s too much,” or “Maybe I should ask for less. I don’t know how that’s going to happen,” or “I don’t think that could happen.” All those thoughts then cancel out all the amazing work that you’ve done with setting the intention.
So, when you’re setting the intention and you’re setting the dollar amount goal for 2018, then make sure you’re in vibrational alignment. Do an internal check and say, “Am I in vibrational alignment with this?” If it feels really good and you’re like, “Yup, I can do it!” Then set that goal. But if you, somewhere in the back of your mind feel like it’s just a little too far out and you start to doubt yourself, re-adjust your goal.
When you’re setting these goals, it’s really good for it to be a little bit outside of your comfort zone. You do not want something that’s so comfortable and you’re like, “Oh yeah, I got that.” I’m going to go from $2K a month to $4K a month. That’s really not a big goal.” That’s kind of you just having fun with it, but we want to really set some serious goals because when you’re setting bigger goals that means you’re helping more people and I hope you can see that correlation. The bigger your goal, the more people that you’re helping. So make sure you are in vibrational alignment. That’s Step #1.
STEP #2 –
What does that look like? Let’s just say I am going to use a $10K a month goal because that’s the goal that I set for all of my clients in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. So I’m telling you $10K a month. That’s $120K a year. How many people are you going to serve? So it’s one thing to say I’m going to serve X amount of people or I want to make $120K, but we have to make sure it all adds up.
If we’re looking at $120K a year, I teach people and my clients in my Spiritual Biz Bootcamp to do a price point of about $2K-$3K for their program. Sometimes they sneak down to $1K because, again, it has to be in vibrational alignment, but there is no spiritual entrepreneur that should be charging less than $1K for their program because what you do is truly transformational and you’re just not valuing yourself if you’re doing it for anything less. That is my philosophy and I see it work quite well with my clients.
So, we’re going to look at the $120K a year. That’s $10K a month. So how many clients are you helping? So if your program is $3K, that means you’re helping 40 people a year. And how does that work out? That’s three clients a month. Three and a little. Three and a third clients a month if it’s $3K a program. If your program is $2K and you want to make $10K for the month, then that’s $5K, and that turns out that you’re helping 60 people in the year.
How to figure it out? Know the numbers! When you know the numbers, then you can be like, “Okay, so if this month I have to get five clients, that means – a client and change a week.” That’s so doable. That is so obtainable for everyone who is watching this video.
And then the last piece of that is…
STEP #3 –
How do you do that? How do you create that $2K-$3K program? And what’s inside that program that makes it a value of $2K-$3K? You can’t just put a $2K-$3K price tag on something if there’s not value. So one thing I teach my clients in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp is to have major value and service in what they create. We go through a whole process where I’m showing them the exact steps on how to do that. And their clients do pay $1K, $2K, $3K … even… I think I have a client that’s doing $4,500 now. So when you can create something that has value, that’s of service, that people truly desire, that’s how you get there.
So what’s your strategy? Your strategy should probably be to join a Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. But if you’re not quite ready for that and you’re trying to figure it out, then what’s your strategy for your current goal? Have that in place because without that strategy it won’t work, because the universe does not like ambiguity.
Let’s just say you have a financial goal – to make $70K this year. And you tell the universe it’s $70K. But you haven’t laid out a plan. The universe doesn’t know where it’s coming from. And also because you don’t know where it’s coming from, you get wobbly on that number because you don’t really have a plan for how it’s going to happen. So you’re not being clear to the universe. And then you’re like, “Oh, maybe that won’t happen or maybe it won’t be $70K this year. Maybe I’ll actually make it $50K and then I’ll go to $70K,” and you start wobbling. As you wobble, the universe has no idea what to deliver to you and so it doesn’t deliver anything.
For those of you who try to manifest, you realize that you are moving your goal around… the reason why you’re not manifesting is that you’re not crystal clear and focused on exactly what it is that you want. When you get crystal clear and focused and you have a plan in place, that gives you certainty in who you are and what you do. That certainty is then translated into your vibration and that vibration is what you put out into the world. It will help you attract clients that are actually in vibrational alignment with you that know that you can serve them, and the universe can feel it all come together. Infinite intelligence will then work with you to organize everything to make that occur in your life.
But if you are not certain and clear on your goals, the universe doesn’t deliver. That’s why when we set all these New Year’s resolutions and then we start changing things around and we’re like, “Well maybe instead of going to the gym five times week, maybe I’ll just go three times a week. I really want to lose that weight but maybe now it’s once a week.” And so we get wobbly. The same thing happens with your business. We get wobbly. The universe doesn’t deliver anything. We’re not putting in enough energy to make it happen. So you have to have a plan.
To summarize and conclude, the three steps for you to hit your goals in 2018 are:
1. Make sure you’re in vibrational alignment with the goal that you have. Make it just out of your comfort zone but not so far out of your comfort zone that you start to doubt yourself and change your goal.
2. Have an idea of how’s that going to happen. What does that look like for you? What kind of clients are going to show up for that? You want to know how many clients. If you want to make $120K year, that’s $10K a month. If you have a $3K program, that’s three and a third clients a month for you to hit that goal. When you can get super-clear and focused on that, you can start to manifest that.
3. Have the bigger strategy for that $3K or $2K program you’re creating. What is it? Who are you serving? Who’s the tribe? And how are you serving them? Why is your program worth $3K?
Again, this is what I teach in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. This is why my clients are so successful because we go through all of these steps. We are constantly making sure that everything is in place for them to hit their goal so that they can make $7K, $10K, $20K before they’ve even left the Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. It’s amazing to watch. But the clarity and getting into vibrational alignment with who you are and what you’re doing and what you’re creating, are the keys and that’s what we do in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp.
So I’m going to leave you with those tips for the year. I hope to see you around in Spiritual Biz Bootcamp. You can come over and join my Spiritual Biz Success Facebook group, which is where I do videos like this all the time so that you are able to get a lot of information. Take the steps that you need to be able to create your spiritual business so that you can step out with your gift and really have a ripple effect on the planet, which is what we’re all here to do.
So I hope you have a fantastic 2018, And I’ll see you in the Facebook group! Have a beautiful day!