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Cover Story: Raquel Reyna

Raquel Reyna, is a spiritualized biz coach and founder of The VIP BIZ INITIATION.  She works alongside her partner Davidian Lyon and they advise conscious entrepreneurs on how to dive inside their genetic material, to fully awaken their inner brilliance. Together they lead their clients on an inspiring, mystical journey of online business transformational magic.

Raquel and Davidian are renowned for taking their clients through a mystical journey of unleashing their soul’s potential, while increasing their income, stepping into their mastery or launching new levels of their businesses.

They are committed to bringing out this knowledge, to assist humanity in shedding the shackles of overwork and misguided careers, so they can truly live the life of their dreams. Raquel is a newly published #1 bestselling author of, Thoth book of Magic, has been seen on several TV shows including Tyra Banks and The View, and has shared stages with Marianne Williamson, Laura Hollick and other such thought leaders. 


KIMBERLY MASKA: Welcome Raquel, it’s wonderful to have this conversation with you and we look forward to exploring your interesting perspective on manifestation.

RAQUEL REYNA: It truly is an honor and we are grateful to share this intel.  One thing that we’ve discovered, after years of being on a spiritual path, is that knowing even just a couple of key points of this new intel is game-changing.

KIMBERLY: So, one of the things we were the most curious about is this notion that people need to understand what kind of Manifestor they are.  I know plenty of people have struggled with LOA (Law of Attraction) and other manifestation tools, which leave many people confused about this topic.

RAQUEL: Yes, it is interesting, because as we are increasing our technology and advancing in so many different areas, there has also been a great advancement in self- actualization… meaning there are new ways to really understand who you are, how to manifest, and what will best lead you to your life purpose and to a greater sense of fulfillment.  My partner, Davidian Lyon, and myself have put together a curriculum for people, to really begin the process of understanding themselves on a whole new level.

We take our clients on a journey of discovering their DNA genetic blueprint, using a system that incorporates ancient mystery schools, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system, along with the modern science of epigenetics and neutrino physics.  This deep inner discovery assists our clients in knowing how to make correct decisions (that are best aligned for them), based on their unique Aura strategy and Inner Authority.  We show them that there is a strategy for meeting life, that is designed to lead them to their life purpose and best outcomes.

In a time when there are so many choices and possibilities, it can get quite confusing, especially in the world of spiritual entrepreneurship. 

The sheer number of options can create information overload, causing us to experience either choice paralysis which can debilitate people to the point of inaction or it can push them into making a hasty, poor decision. 

We see this quite often. There’s so much confusion and often people are pressured to make choices or business decisions that are not correct for them, which can be not only very disheartening but also very expensive.  This is why the first thing we teach people is how to see and understand their uniqueness – show them how they are wired (where they are strong and where they are vulnerable), and then we help them polish that understanding like a shiny diamond before they launch their products, program, or company.  People are naturally drawn to their message and their light when they do this inner piece first.

Discovering that we each have a unique inner compass that helps us understand which is the right direction for us or what’s the right choice for us to make in our business is huge!

KIMBERLY: You must have really gone through your own personal journey to discover this information.  We would love to hear a little more about your backstory.

RAQUEL: Definitely. I have been on a spiritual path since I met my first shaman when I was 21, but I’d always seemed to struggle with the basics…<laughing>… like making a living without having to hide my light.  I struggled with living my life authentically in the corporate world.  Rising through the ranks, in that environment, required my snuffing out my light and my more spiritual genius.

Subsequent to a promotion at my corporate job, I knew I needed to become my own boss, so I could be more in charge of when and how I worked because I recognized that I was burning out working 8-hour days. I ultimately, in retrospect, made a hasty decision to purchase a juice bar in West Hollywood, because I thought it would bring in passive income. Let me tell you, owning a juice bar is about 16 hours a day away from passive income, but it was during this time that I discovered I was a Projector (one of the aura types that is not a Manifestor).  That explained so much as to why I was having difficulty keeping up with others energetically, as well as, what I discovered to be, other Projector experiences I was having.

Incidentally, Manifestors only comprise roughly 9% of the world population and understanding what type you are can really help people who are having trouble manifesting a big dream in their reality. 

What I learned is that there are different techniques for achieving success and satisfaction in your life and business, that greatly affect your manifestation skills.

Unfortunately, I learned that after I purchased an organic vegan juice bar, so I got to learn that powerful lesson the hard way.

That business almost destroyed me emotionally, physically, and financially. It was certainly a crisis moment in my life and I had to back down and take an entire year off to discover how to work with my aura type and zero in on how I am uniquely designed to succeed.

Having this information changed my life dramatically.  It created a fire in me, to really serve my community and deliver empowered support to assist them in learning how to manifest their dreams without burning out, being drained or depleted. Once I surrendered to this new Intel, I was able to quickly sell the store (luckily) and align with my new business.

I took a year to study and self-actualized, and from there my business began to flow with grace and ease.  Something I had never felt, in any career or business I had done in the past. It was like being in an entirely new world of business.  This Is exactly what Davidian and I teach our clients in our programs.  This ability to go inside first and then allow the ease to take over the business.

KIMBERLY: So what are some of the other types that people may be?

RAQUEL: Well, there are 4 specific types people can be + one sub-type.  They can either be a Manifestor, a Generator or a Manifesting Generator (which is a subset of the Generator type), a Projector, or a Reflector. 

The interesting thing is that each aura type is very very different.  Each person needs a completely different way to manifest or bring their vision to fruition.  This way of manifesting and using your own proper strategy and inner authority will set you out on a trajectory that will lead you to greater satisfaction and success.  Understanding this technology is like powering on up an inner guidance system, leading you to, among other things, your life purpose… and this inner GPS I am referring to is not your mind.

So many of us are lifetime seekers, moving from one modality to another, one personality assessment tool to another, one guru to another.  It’s very confusing trying to figure out who you are and what your particular direction in life maybe and a lot of the intel we receive is contradictory.

What our intel does is introduce you to your deep inner wisdom that will guide and direct you.  Our system teaches you to look inside for your correct path, rather than defer or count on anyone else for that information.  This alone will subtract a boatload of confusion and pain from your decision-making process.

KIMBERLY: So, how do people use this information?

RAQUEL: Well, the most important thing is for people to begin to experiment with using their own personal strategy and inner authority.  If they want support on this, they can opt in to our free training series or our free gift, where we share show them how to get their free chart and utilize this intel.   

Basically, here is what you want to look for:

If you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator and feel frustrated in your efforts to make your dreams happen or manifest your goals… then this is a symptom of you not living out your highest potential.  You are off frequency. If this describes any of your audience, who are Generators or Manifesting Generators, we suggest experimenting immediately with their personal strategy which is to: WAIT TO RESPOND.

For those who are Projectors, if they feel like they aren’t having the results that other people are having and are bitter or burned-out, then they will benefit from their strategy which is to: WAIT FOR THE INVITATION.

For those who are actually Manifestors, if they are angry or find that they have blow-outs in their day or at work, or if they’re not manifesting their dreams, then they need to understand that they are not here to be held back…and simply need to follow their particular strategy, which is to:  INFORM FIRST…then go forth and initiate action.

For Reflectors, if they feel disappointed in their life or with the world, it will greatly help them to learn about their lunar cycle, before taking any action.

You can also learn more about these concepts on our Youtube Channel, where we have videos on the basics. Our Youtube channel is called: Raquel and Davidian Unleash Your Genius.

Of course, once people better understand their process and these aura mechanics, they begin a wonderful period of deconditioning and align with their true, unique genius self.

KIMBERLY: Oh wow! I can see how these little tools and strategies can really help people understand how to best operate in the world.

RAQUEL: Exactly, it may seem confusing at first, but once people experiment with their strategy, amazing and aligned things begin to show up. Synchronicities abound. 

If any of your listeners are angry, frustrated, bitter or disappointed with their life and/or business results, and they tried law of attraction, vision boards, etc., with little to no success, then we humbly ask them to consider our invitation and find the missing piece to their manifestation puzzle. 

We have great free gifts and tools to get people started on this hero’s journey and feel it is part of our mission and purpose to share this intel with the world.  The entire world benefits when there’s collectively less stress and frustration and people are more aligned and feel satisfied and successful in their life and business.

KIMBERLY: Thank you, Raquel, for spending time with us and sharing this very interesting information with our audience.

RAQUEL: It was my pleasure. Thank you for having me on. Blessings galore to you and your audience.







