434 is the name of a community started in 2018 by Peter Hedron – a psychonaut who since 2015 has been channeling messages from outer-dimensional entities while being in psychedelic states. The messages, now confirmed to be received by thousands of other psychonauts, explain the physical and metaphysical nature of human reality and their connection to outer realms. The role of the community is to build an informational bridge between earthly reality and the divine structure existing outside of the limited world of human perception. Find Peter on https://be434.com
Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, I am your host, Kimberly Maska, and today we have joining us a psychonaut Peter Hedron. Peter, welcome and thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?
PETER HEDRON: I am doing great. Thank you for inviting me to this interview. I am glad that you found value in our collective work and that you consider it worthy of your amazing magazine. I am hoping it will be of great benefit to your readers and that will allow the 434 community to grow further.
Excellent! So, could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?
PETER: Struggling with depressive states for more than 20 years and looking for a cure in 2015, I came across Joe Rogan’s podcast #470 with Amber Lyon where they talked about the healing effects of psychedelics. Halfway through listening to that episode, I decided that it was time for me to give it a try and in August of 2015, I drank ayahuasca. Unfortunately (or luckily), it didn’t work but a few days later I had a chance to try magic mushrooms for the first time, and that’s how my life changed. The moment this sacred medicine started working, I was contacted by inter-dimensional entities, so-called machine elves, who cured my depression instantly and started fixing my life problems. While doing this, they offered me answers to all my questions, and I began recording and documenting our communication.
After a while, I was told that I have a mission here of raising vibrational frequency for millions of people and that it will allow the entities to initiate their mission of spreading love in this dimension. I started asking questions about our human problems and was offered incredible answers.
After three years I had a 30-page book of machine elf notes and decided that the information was so valuable that it was time to do something with all this priceless knowledge. I wanted to create an archive of alien messages for my family and friends, and in November 2018 I created a YouTube channel I called 434. After 3 months of making videos, the channel suddenly blew up getting a huge amount of subscribers, and I started uploading the videos to other social media.
That’s how I started building the 434 structure that would allow me to reach millions of people in the following years. I started building a social media network and came up with a plan to access and unite like-minded people with machine elf messages. My newly gained community started making donations which in July 2019 allowed me to quit my job and dedicate myself full-time to my mission. In April 2020 after my machine elf notes doubled in size getting close to 60 pages, I started writing a 434 book which should be published in the next few months. That’s the short version of a description of my 434 journey.
You have created a very interesting and unique community for other psychonauts who, like you, are channeling messages from outer-dimensional entities while being in psychedelic states. 434… Where did such a unique name come from? What is its purpose?
PETER: Since 1997 I have been experiencing intense synchronicity with the number 434. In 2015 when I realized that I have the opportunity to get answers to all my questions, I decided to ask the entities: “what is 434 and why do I keep seeing it?”. This is the answer I received:
“You see this number because you need to remember what’s important and who you are. 434 is the key to the knowledge about how you’re supposed to live your life. As far as the number itself goes – 434 represents words and the number of letters in them – they are love, joy, hope. The number of letters also represents the number of sides in geometric figures (square and triangle) and their surfaces represent the balance of attention you should pay to love, joy, and hope in real life. Their positioning also shows the relationship between them – love and hope being the foundation of your life and joy, positioned in between, being a result of this balance.
434 also represents a tetrahedron – an energy prism channeling everything in life. You should try to be like a tetrahedron – perfect, symmetrical, with no signal deviation on any side or any edge. You should be the solid structure that everyone can lean on, you should be the pivotal point of many people’s lives.
434 is a reminder from the metaphysical world that you need to go back to your true self. It’s an attempt to pull you out of your negativity and get you on the right side – the side of love and virtue. It is a reminder that you need to raise your vibrational frequency to be happy and to improve the flow of information with the metaphysical world.
434 is an emotional state of mind that you need to be in as much as possible. The methods you use to achieve that emotional 434 state are irrelevant. You just need to feel it and you need to be in that state for as long as possible. Make sure it’s not destructive but the method of achieving it is not important. What matters is that you’re in this state of awe and ecstasy, that you’re in the state of 434.
434 is a reminder that you’re surrounded by other lives and that empathy is the key to connecting with others. 434 is an important reminder about compassion.”
How does your knowledge of the physical and metaphysical nature of human reality and their connection to outer realms help you in your daily work? And how do you and 434 members assist each other in your inner work and self-discovery?
PETER: We exist in a bizarre world of the unknown where we’re suspended in a state of oblivious unawareness about the nature of our reality. Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go after this life? Although there have been tens of billions of humans on Earth, nobody seems to have any answers to these questions, and what’s more interesting is that no one is really trying to actively look for the truth.
As explained by the entities, we come to this reality to learn about and experience what this existence has to offer. Most humans have no idea about the purpose of our life here, being completely lost in their interpretation of what is happening to them and around them. To make all of this more difficult human nature is such that we can’t transfer the knowledge onto others because of our human ego standing in the way of learning.
Giving this highly rare opportunity to access inter-dimensional knowledge about our species and our earthly realm, I decided to make it my mission to find out the truth about our existence. After years of working on these messages and through analyzing all available theories and scientific sources, I feel like we’re slowly starting to connect the dots and see the big picture. For me personally, it means being able to isolate little bits of truth in a noisy ocean of misinformation and chaos.
Finally having answers to these existential questions made me feel calmer, more focused, and more understanding of humans and their behavior. It removed a lot of anxiety and doubt from my life and it made my journey easier and less energy-consuming. This in turn allows me to offer more reliable information to the 434 community. It is easier for me to see what knowledge is of value to our collective developmental process and what type of subjects we should concentrate on. Members of the 434 community help each other by sharing knowledge and offering assistance to those who need help and guidance, and we all learn from each other in this laborious process of world and self-discovery. The 434 structure is constantly growing and the principles of love, joy, and hope are slowly starting to have their permanent place in the minds of all psychonauts and truth-seekers all over the world.
Peter, what is your ultimate goal while empowering the 434 community? What is your mission? Your dream?
PETER: The ultimate goal is to create a human life manual for everyone on their quest for understanding. To create a simple and easily comprehensible compendium of truth about our human life for everyone on their road to spiritual progression and development. To offer the possibility of lifting the veil of forgetfulness for anyone who is on their journey of discovery and growth. To spread joy, love, and hope and to remind everyone about what this life really is – a self-imposed training program on our path to merging with the Divine.
Is there a final message you want to let our readers know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?
PETER: Love, joy, and hope are truly the messages I want to share with everyone because this formula perfectly applies to our life and everything else in this reality. I wish everyone could see the way I am offered to perceive things, and that’s why I am always writing new videos switching between the informational and motivational nature of these messages.
It is important to define what love really is because we all believe that it is complicated and we create poems, music, and movies trying to describe it. But love can be simply defined as an affectionate desire for somebody else to feel great. Using this definition look back at your time on earth and think how many people present in your life feel or felt like that about you. You will realize that you are always loved and that you can always return this love.
I want to thank the 434 community for all the amazing years and for being there for me and others. Thank you for allowing me to have a new life, thank you for your views, comments, and messages, and for your financial support. We are on an amazing journey together, and I proudly embrace the privilege to be a part of your transformation. I am looking forward to the future we create together. Love others, enjoy life, and be full of hope and faith. What you want wants you. Make the first step.
Thank you, Peter, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!
PETER: It has been an honor to be featured in your magazine. I wish you all the success you need to fulfill your destiny. May the 434 river flow through you freely… Love, 434.