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Cover Story: Galit Ventura-Rozen

Galit Ventura-Rozen is a Business Performance Expert, professional speaker and a motivational and inspirational agent of change. Through her powerful presentations, she teaches how to focus on the importance of mindset, in combination with the strategic tools necessary to be successful.

An Entrepreneur since the age of 21. Galit owns and operates Commercial Professionals for over 22 years. Galit graduated from University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 1995 and in 2016 she graduated with Honors from Northcentral University having obtained her Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.

She combines her unique skills to deliver business mentoring, speaking engagements and interactive workshops to help businesses and entrepreneurs accomplish their goals and desires, break through fear, effect lasting change, employ motivated teams, increase revenue, and build lucrative businesses from the ground up and take them to the next level. Galit also works with women that are inspired to be professional speakers sharing their story and expertise.


KIMBERLY MASKA:   Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, I am your host, Kimberly Maska, and today we have joining us Galit Ventura Rozen, a business performance expert, professional speaker and author of The “Successful Woman’s Mindset: Unlocking the Secrets of Success and Activating Your Power”, Galit’s Book was honored as #10 in the Top Twenty Best Books on Mindfulness” in the UK.

Galit brings a refreshing and inspired approach to her presentation on how to achieve success and overcome old patterns and develop new mindsets for success. Most recently aside from an array of awards, Galit received the National Association women of business Owners woman of distinction award as well as the 21st Silver State Award for Best of the best local motivational speaker. Welcome, Galit, and thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?

GALIT VENTURA-ROZEN:   Hi Kimberly, I am doing really wonderful today. Thank you for asking and for chatting with me today. 

KIMBERLY:   It’s a pleasure to have you here! I am first curious to know the story behind your personal journey down the path to where you are now, to your current life’s purpose and work. What is your story?

GALIT:   I think it started when I was 7 years old.  I woke up one morning and my voice was literately gone.  After a few doctors and such we realized I had a nodule growth on one of my vocal cords and was told when I was 16, I could have surgery to remove it.  The next 5 years I was terrified to speak up in class because only a whisper would come out and it was worse when I was nervous or stressed.  At the age of 13 through years of speech therapy, I was doing an octave exercise with my speech therapist and we found the voice I have today.

When we went back to the ENT at the age of 16 and was asked if I wanted the surgery, I said absolutely not. As long as there was no danger to my vocal cords or my health, I had grown to accept my new voice and that was how people knew me.  I tried for years to stay out of the spotlight and not wanting to speak up and literately had to find my voice.

Through wanting to make a difference and speak up I recognized I had a natural ability to inspire and motivate others with ‘MY VOICE’ so I faced my biggest fear as organizations, companies, and conferences asked me to speak about mindset, leadership and business. I realized it wasn’t about me it was about that one person I inspired in the audience to make ‘a difference’ choice that day and believe in themselves and what they wanted in their life.

KIMBERLY:   You are a very occupied businesswoman and mother of three children, what is your blueprint especially for single mothers out there working to achieve entrepreneurial success?

GALIT:   First and foremost to recognize you don’t have to do it alone if you have someone in your life that supports you ask for support if your children are old enough ask for help, and if those things are not available surround yourself with a tribe of women that will.  More than anything you must learn to believe in yourself the way you believe in your children/child.  If your child walks up to you and says,” Mom, I want to be a doctor when I grow up.’ You will more than likely respond with ‘I believe in YOU.’  It is time as women we believe in ourselves, respect ourselves, are kind to ourselves the way we are to others in our lives we love.  Lastly, stop and breathe OFTEN!!! If you don’t take care of yourself, your health, take time for you, then you are not any good to anyone else in your life or accomplishing your goals.

KIMBERLY:   Galit, you are such an inspirational agent of change leading others through business mentoring, speaking engagements and interactive workshops, what are your teachings on how can someone change their mindset to match their desires? How can they zero in on their goals, ideas, and vision of their lives?

GALIT:   To change your mindset to match your desires you must stop-start being your biggest cheerleader. When that negative thought pops up (and it will) you must ask yourself why you aren’t kind to yourself.  Why are your thoughts working against you instead of for you?  They are your thoughts after all, right?  First, stop and write down your negative thought.  Then look for a factual reason you believe that.  Trust me you won’t find one, because it is based on emotion, not facts.

Then think of someone that believes in you and go talk to them about your desires, tell them everything. Say it out loud and pay attention to your energy, your body language, your voice tone.  Trust me when you talk about what you desire, everything changes about you.  Lastly, you must stick to this plan every single day. Every time something negative shows up in y our mindset you knock it out with 3 positives, and you find a way. I cannot tell you how many people stop because they are missing THE HOW. That is the easy part once your mindset is on board to succeed and you get past the fear of doing so.

To zero in on what you want to try this:  Close your eyes for a few minutes and think of the number one thing you want to accomplish in your life RIGHT NOW!!! No limitations, no expectations, no need for the HOW.  Then see yourself succeeding at that goal, what does it feel like, what did you see, who was there?  Open your eyes and write down all the details as fast as you can and don’t stop and the next thing you do is feel the emotion associated with that succeed every day like you already accomplished it.  Then follow through with the action steps for your desire to become your reality. 

KIMBERLY:   And what if someone is struggling to even determine their desires for business, relationships or anything else for that matter? How are they to identify their passions?

GALIT:   I believe the best way to determine your passion is to think of the one thing you would love to do every single day even if you don’t get paid for it.  See usually when a client hires me to figure out what they are passionate about, it’s the one thing that comes to them the easiest, the one thing they can talk about every single day all day and never get tired of it. Or the one thing they could do all day long for free and not get tired of it.  It usually is right under your nose, but you couldn’t imagine someone paying you for it.  Think about it.   If you don’t know try this:  Make a list of all the things you love doing.  Then make a list of all the things others tell you, you are so good at.  Then cross reference the lists and you will find common themes. Then start thinking of the businesses or professions associated with those things.

KIMBERLY:   What is your advice to those you are so eager to make the leap from employee to entrepreneur but are too nervous to leave their current job with a steady income?

GALIT:   1.  Have an exit plan.  How much income do you want to make before you leave your job?  How long do you think that will take in your new business?

           2.  Build your ideas, business plan, and more after work, on the weekends and any bit of free time you have.  Remember, 5 minutes a day is 5 minutes more a day towards building your own dreams and not building someone else’s any longer.

             3.  Find someone that knows the HOW to what you don’t. There is always someone out there that does. I believe in business coaches and mentors. I have always had one and I love being one.  It’s important for you to know THE HOW to your success.

            4.  TAKE ACTION… It’s one thing to talk about it, it’s another to take action to make it happen… Don’t wake up one day in 20, 30, 50 years and look back and wonder why you didn’t do it, whatever that IT is for you.  The only thing you have to lose if you don’t try is EVERYTHING!!!

KIMBERLY:   Is there a final message you want to let the audience know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?

GALIT:   I have made it my passion and life’s work to show women ( and some amazing men) that it is possible to live a life of passion, purpose and make money doing it.  When you do what you love everything changes in your life in a positive way.  So please choose to do what you love or at least love what you do.

KIMBERLY:   If our readers wanted to reach you, where can they find you?

GALIT:   Thank you for asking Kimberly.  I am on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram under Galit Ventura Rozen and available as a keynote speaker and for one on one business coaching. For more info, please visit my website.

KIMBERLY:   I understand philanthropy is a big part of your life.

GALIT:   Yes, you could say it’s in my blood since I was a little girl I was taught that when you had or when you didn’t you always give back because there’s always someone that’s less fortunate than you. Aside from being a part of multiple philanthropic boards in Las Vegas I have also been involved with the shade tree women’s shelter for over nine years. Aside from helping them raise money that is well needed, nine years ago I started three events in Las Vegas for the shelter.

A Mother’s Day and holiday shopping event where the children get to shop from donated items for their mothers. They usually get to pick up the five items that they can wrap and give to their mothers during the holiday or Mother’s Day. My favorite event that I started is the back-to-school event. The children each get to choose a new backpack as well as walk around and pick out all their school supplies needed per the school list. They also each get a new outfit for the first day of school.

KIMBERLY:   Thank you, Galit, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!

GALIT:   Thank you, Kimberly, for the honor of sharing my area of expertise with your amazing readers and giving me the opportunity to continue to inspire and motivate others to believe in their self and their desires becoming their reality!!!



