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Cover Story: Erin Cameron

“Astrology is the love of my life,” this quote encompasses the essence of Erin Cameron. A fashion model during the 60’s and 70’s, Erin’s exquisite face looked down from billboards upon the Sunset Strip. Her illustrious 20 year career as a fashion model spanned both coasts with both Ford Models and Mary Web Davis agencies. Her shift from fashion modeling to astrology was gradual and organic. During her time at the University of Arizona, where she was obtaining a degree in fine arts, she was introduced to astrology by a college friend. Erin had the great fortune of studying under Zipporah Dobyns before making astrology her full time profession. Her deep interest in mythology along with her 7 years of study with the Brotherhood of Light, make her a sought after astrologer in Los Angeles.

In this month’s cover story, Daniel Pape, senior writer for Spiritual Biz Magazine, sits down with astrologist Erin Cameron to discuss the much anticipated total solar eclipse of 2017 and the effect is has on an entire nation.  


Daniel Pape: Thank you for joining me Erin. I’ve been looking forward to this interview because as you know, in a few short weeks from now on August 21st, we will be experiencing a total eclipse of the sun over a major portion of America. Most of us are aware that a solar eclipse happens when the moon gets between the sun and the earth, resulting in a blockage of light. But other than the obvious visual effects of an eclipse, I am interested in gaining some insight on how it effects us on a more profound and deeper level. However, before we delve into the eclipse, I was wondering if you would first provide our readers with some clarity on what the true value of astrology is and the important role it plays in each of our lives.

Erin Cameron: Let me begin by saying how pleased I am to be here with you Daniel. I appreciate your question and I agree that it’s important to touch upon the meaning of astrology before we delve into the significance of the upcoming eclipse.”What is astrology?” By now you would think everybody knows, but mistakenly some think it’s about our sun sign or this sign, or that sign. I think it is very important for your readers and for my clients to know that astrology is a language in and of itself. It is a symbolic language. And when you look at it from that standpoint, everything we’re looking at in reference to our astrological information is actually saying something quite important.

We might say it’s really a visual picture, a graphic picture, of the inner psyche. And of course that can be utilized in a number of different ways depending on the individual’s psychological understanding, as well as other factors that play into it.  That being said, I will now address your question regarding the significance of the upcoming solar eclipse, and the important, particular type of new moon that will be blocking the sun for this period of time. It is also important to recognize that in addition to the total solar eclipse on the 21st of August, we also have a partial lunar eclipse on August 7th as well. So both have significance in terms of our being, in terms of our humanity.

I think it serves us well to look at it from that standpoint, and as we do we are reminded of what the classical astrologists said about the eclipses throughout ancient times. They saw it as the moon momentarily blocking the sun which causes a darkening of the light. And I think that says something important. From a positive standpoint I believe that this momentary blocking of light gives us an opportunity, however brief, to look inward. This inner perspective represents the subconscious. It allows us to psychologically get in touch in a greater way, a more significant way than if we were just out there romping in the sunshine.

This extraordinary perspective gives us an opportunity to learn about ourselves, and ultimately gain the type of self knowledge that leads to universal knowledge. However, from a mundane standpoint, eclipses usually don’t have the best reputation. They indicate major changes of some kind. And this particular eclipse called by some ‘The Great American Eclipse’ is extremely powerful and therefore, of major importance. I will explain in a moment why many are calling it by this name, and I am certainly one of the astrologers who absolutely believes that by no later than the end of the first week of September we will most likely see and feel its effect. It could be before that because there’s a well known saying that eclipses cast their shadows before them. And there are some good astrologers that say at least 90 days before an eclipse occurs we can see things that will represent it. That sounds rather magical and mystical because it probably is, and I’ll leave that right there.

However, it’s important to note that not only can we feel the effect of an eclipse before it actually occurs, but that a major eclipse like this one is considered in effect for at least six months, and sometimes up to a full year. I mention this because it’s important to understand that this eclipse on August 21st takes place over the United States mainland. It starts in the northwest part of the country, Oregon, Washington and then sweeps across the United States mainland and with a particular emphasis on the heartland, Kansas City, Missouri, Carbondale, Illinois, and then continues it’s path of totality as they call it until it exits in South Carolina. So it’s important to recognize that the United States will really be shadowed.

I would now like to mention something that I think is extremely important. It involves President Trump and his birth chart. Now there’s always a question for astrologers about the accuracy of birth data. According to the widely published chart of President Trump it gives him 29 or 28 degrees and 50 odd minutes rising. And that means that it’s very, very close, so close that we can say 29 degrees and not be off the mark. I have 29 degrees and 58 minutes of longitude of the sign Leo rising, and anyone even the least bit familiar with astrology knows how important the so called rising sign is. The ascendent would be the correct term and that is represented by the cusp of the first house. But with 29 degrees Leo rising, if indeed this is accurate birth data, which supposedly it comes from President Trump’s actual birth certificate, it puts his Mars at 26.47 Leo, very close to the ascendant. I think it’s fair to say that it really does fit his persona as he projects it.

trump-2546104_1920Clearly there is a lot of energy that comes across but certainly not always the most diplomatic, regardless of one’s political outlook, they’d have to admit that. We would not call Trump a diplomat, but on the other hand we cannot deny that he certainly does exude a great deal of energy, and this eclipse falls right on the ascendent and close to his Mars. I must emphasize, if this birth data is indeed correct then this is a hazardous combination and I would assume that all the astrologers who have looked at his chart would agree that this is certainly not a time for risk taking. It’s really a time for a certain amount of conservatism. Whether or not that will occur is something we don’t know yet. It is wisdom that is most needed at this time, especially with the eclipse activating his Mars as well as his ascendent. This is a very important configuration because the 29th degree of any of the 12 signs is called a critical degree. There are certain degrees, I won’t go into that now, but there are certain degrees that are considered critical degrees for a variety of reasons. This particular degree, the 29th degree of Leo is what we call conjunct. The most important aspect that we actually have in our language and it is considered as I said a critical degree. It conjuncts a fixed star, Regulus. The star Regulus is considered to be a royal star, and throughout history whenever an important eclipse fell on or near that star it coincided with, euphemistically speaking, a change in administration.

Considering that it’s falling right on President Trump’s ascendent and his Mars it most certainly warrants caution in every conceivable way for his safety. So not only do we have a critical degree, but a total solar eclipse right there on his ascendent Mars. Clearly, this eclipse in more ways than one is making a very important statement. 

In addition to this, we have several other things happening. On the seventh of August we have a partial lunar eclipse. I won’t go into that so much except to mention that countries, cities, and states have charts, just as people do.The lunar eclipse on the seventh of August is conjunct the United States moon in Aquarius. That is very important because the United States moon, in the mundane chart represents the people. So with an eclipse falling in this position, representing the people of the country there will be even more anxiety and insecurity. That doesn’t mean everybody in every way, but I think it’s fair to say that those of us who are aware of the recent events in the country would not disagree with that.

There is a restlessness among the people. I repeat, not every person, but in general I believe that the upcoming eclipse on the seventh of August will highlight the undercurrent of charged emotion. We can expect more of an outpouring of feeling which will cause people to become more polarized either for or against the different events that are going on.

I want to point out that the planet Saturn has a role in this as well, and Saturn is not nicknamed “The old task master” for nothing. It is well known that Saturn represents authority. Saturn represents tradition. It basically represents conservatism. These are all archetypal representations of that planet. Saturn is considered the one who teaches us through discipline, responsibility, obligation, and teaches us very often the hard way. Everyone has Saturn someplace in the chart of course, and depending on its aspects whether it’s poorly aspected or not will represent the severity of the lessons that we all have to learn as we travel through life. In addition to these two upcoming eclipses, Saturn will be turning direct at 21 degrees of Sagittarius.The reason I mention this important degree is because it will be exactly conjunct the President’s moon at 21 Sagittarius.

President Trump was obviously born at a full moon, which is opposition  his sun. His sun is at 22.56 Gemini, and with Saturn turning direct right on the moon there’s something to be learned which can often come about through disciplinary action. In President Trump’s chart we happen to be at 21 his south node which is actually 20.45 Sagittarius retrograde. His moon is 21.12 Sagittarius and they are opposition his sun. These are all very, very critical configurations, Daniel.

Daniel Pape: Very interesting. You mentioned the word “hazardous” when you spoke of President Trump’s chart and how it specifically relates to the upcoming solar eclipse on August 21st. Can you please explain in further detail exactly how the Presidents chart and the eclipse foreshadow hazardous events?

Erin Cameron: Thank you Daniel for asking me that because it allows me to clarify. You see, the eclipse falls right on the presidents ascendent, and the ascendent is representative in astrology of the physical body. We all have an ascendent. However, the important factor here in reference to your question is that it represents the physical body, and the upcoming eclipse is a total eclipse and indeed a major event. Historically speaking, on occasion, it points to danger.

Let’s look at it as being a monarch. Let’s say it falls on a monarch’s ascendent. It can easily mean that one way or another he’s going to be off the throne. He falls from grace and sometimes the hard way. But in turn that is obviously going to elevate someone else. So you see, it can be both a fall and and an elevation to a higher position, but not for the same person. President Trump’s Mars is right on his ascendent, and Mars represents the physical. It represents action, activity, sexuality. The warrior. Mars right on the ascendent is representative of someone who can be quite aggressive. I make no value judgment here; I’m just pointing out what Mars on the ascendent represents.

It can represent someone being capable of being at the very least assertive in manner, very aggressive at times. I think it’s fair to say that we have seen this behavior. However, there are times where it’s warranted. There are times we are glad to have a leader who is capable of taking action. If you’re in battle with someone for instance, you want someone who’s capable. You don’t want someone who’s going to run away or turn around and not be there for you. So there are times of course that this aggressive Mars right on the ascendent can be a very good thing. But it also brings with it a person who may not be the most diplomatic. There are times they will utilize this Mars in other ways that are not as positive. Certainly Mars has a deserved reputation for higher accident hazard and Mars on the ascendent is going to act first and think later. It’s not going to be someone who says, “Well I wonder if that would be dangerous. I wonder if I should really do that.” Mars is just going to jump into it and then think about it later.

Daniel Pape: Is that true for everyone?wallpaper-1492818_1920

Erin Cameron: It’s true that everyone has Mars in their chart, but President Trump has Mars right on his ascendent. We usually see it someplace else. I’m specifically talking about Mars on the ascendent.

Daniel Pape: That’s very telling.

Erin Cameron: Just think about it, here’s the ascendent, here’s the physical body, just visualize it for a minute. Here is the warrior, with his shield and his sword. Whatever his case may be, visualize it as you wish, but I see it in this way. There is a warrior with his shield and sword and he’s ready to do battle for what he believes in. That would clearly be Mars acting out the physical side of what it represents. Now it can mean other things as well. Somebody can be a warrior with a pen. How does the saying go? “The pen is mightier than the sword?” So you see, someone may have a Mars, Mercury, which we’re going to have on the fifth of September when Mercury turns stationary direct conjunct Mars.

When this happens we’re going to see somebody come out and say something that is not an aspect of the diplomat; we will see someone with the aspect of an aggressor. Somebody who warns someone, who gets into an argument with someone. At best it would be someone whose not afraid to say it like it is. However, it all depends on the situation whether that would be a positive attribute or not.

Daniel Pape: Fascinating.

Erin Cameron: Indeed, and we must remember that everyone has all of the planets. Everybody has a sun, the moon, and the planets.

Daniel Pape: So we all have the same planets, but we have them in our own specific configurations. These configurations activate certain aspects within ourselves, especially during a total solar eclipse. Correct?

Erin Cameron: Yes.

Daniel Pape: I know it’s difficult to be specific due to the varying degrees, aspects, and configurations we all have, but generally speaking what astrological advice can you give that will best prepare us for the upcoming challenges that are being brought on by the solar eclipse?

Erin Cameron: What I think is this, Daniel, and of course you’re quite right, it depends on the individual chart as to what it may represent. But in general I’m going to say this, I believe that August is a month when one should minimize one’s risk taking and I believe this would be particularly true on the day of the solar eclipse, on the 21st of August and again I am going to say on the fifth of September. On the fifth of September as I’ve mentioned Mars and Mercury both will be conjunct, they’ll be the same degree, 29 degrees or within minutes of that in the sign of Leo and that’s right on the eclipse degree that will have taken place on the 21st of August. So I think particularly the 21st of August and the fifth of September are good days to be very, very careful.

From a purely mundane standpoint I wouldn’t buy a car at that time. I wouldn’t say this is the day that I’m going skydiving. In other words, it is not a day to take unusual risks. There’s simply more danger attendant on it. Now maybe not every astrologer would agree with that. Because one can feel very energized at that time and it may be just the time that somebody would say, “By golly this is the time I’m going to do it.” But it would not be the better part of wisdom to take undue chances during those particular times.

Daniel Pape: Other than taking less risk is there any other highlighted effect that the eclipse will bring forth?

Erin Cameron: Well I believe that most of the people looking at it would agree, and I may have already said this at the outset here, but I’ll say it again, I believe without any question it portends some very important developments and changes in the administration. We’ve already seen some of those changes. President Trump, whatever one may think about him has the personality traits to make aggressive changes if he sees fit. Again, whether or not that’s a positive or negative thing depends upon the circumstances. Whatever happens will not be mundane. We will not say, “Oh hum he fired somebody else or hired somebody else, no big deal.” Whatever happens with this eclipse is going to affect us all to one degree or another. It simply will. I’m positive of that.

Daniel Pape: So you’re saying that the eclipse will have a major effect on America, primarily shadowing our political arena. Why is this the case? 

Erin Cameron: Well again, I would say that it is so highlighted because the head of our country, regardless of our political views, has a total solar eclipse on the ascendent. This is a very critical matter, and what happens there certainly affects all of us. What happened when President Kennedy was assassinated? Or when President Nixon left office under what we know was not the best of circumstances. Yes, it affects that person most of all but it affects the people in general. It affects the status of our country, the way we look as a people. So I don think you can totally separate them and go, “Well whatever happens doesn’t affect me.” It does affect us.

Daniel Pape: Yes of course.

Erin Cameron: It affects all of us. What happens when someone is elected or when someone for whatever reason leaves office, it affects the people as a whole. Some of us more than others. Look at what’s going on in our country in terms of the immigration difficulties and challenges. I make no value judgment, I’m simply saying if we look at what is going on then we can see that things are not suddenly going to get any easier. I do not believe that suddenly overnight everything’s coming up roses. That is not what this eclipse represents. What it represents are some major challenges and I will also mention that we are in what is considered to be a possible war cycle. I think if we look around we can see the challenges that not only we’re facing but many areas of the world are facing. So the eclipse is very likely going to energize these particular factors.

This will affect all of us, collectively, and individually. As it pertains to the individual there’s no way I can go into detailI without seeing the person’s chart in front of me. However, since I have Trump’s chart I’m focusing there. If an individual knows their chart and wants specific information it can be beneficial to ask an astrologer about it. Certainly if an individual has angles which are the first, seventh, fourth and tenth houses. Or if they have the sun, moon, or planets at one of these degrees, 27, 28, 29 of Leo then that probably foretells some very important changes coming up in their lives.

It represents something important is likely to occur and I think it’s going to be sooner rather than later. But remember, whatever the eclipse represents will be in effect for at least six months after the eclipse. I think with a major total solar eclipse such as this one that it will probably be closer to a year that we’ll see the fall out and effects. Now of course there will be positive aspects as well. If somebody happens to have the degree of the eclipse in an important part of their chart with good aspects, like a good Jupiter or Venus aspect, well then it could mean that something they really want comes to fruition. In other words something very positive could happen.

I’m not saying that the world is coming to an end or that everything I’m talking about is apocalyptic. I don’t want to leave you or anybody else with that impression, but I do consider this total eclipse of the sun to be extremely important. It is very clear, so make no mistake, there are certain aspects involving our current administration and country that appear to be very critical.

Daniel Pape: Thank you so much Erin for sharing your insights with us. This has been extremely informative. I am really glad that you did a reading for our country, its people and The President of The United States specifically. How it plays out we will have to wait and see, but it’s only a few weeks away so we won’t have to wait long.

Erin Cameron: Thank you Daniel, and as I conclude let us remember, however we may feel politically, pro or con, we can all agree that President Trump certainly knows how to polarize people. Once again,I am making no value judgement, but whatever one’s belief system we have to admit that whatever happens to the President of the United States is critical for the country, and therefore, for the people. If one looks, it becomes clear that there are important developments taking place that can be linked to the  powerful solar eclipse that is affecting our country and its leader.

Daniel Pape: Well said and so eloquently stated. Thank you again Erin.

Erin Cameron: You’re welcome, I am glad we did this. Thank you, Daniel, and If your readers have any questions I’m more than willing to answer to the best of my ability.

Daniel Pape: Well I’m sure our readers will want to take advantage of that. I’ll let you know if any questions come in. Until then, take care of yourself and we will talk again soon. 

If you would like to have a reading done by Erin Cameron, please reach out at

