Clairvoyant, truth seeker, intuitive psychic, and best-selling author ELIZABETH APRIL (also known as EA), is here on a mission to help humanity awaken by expanding their mind to the infinite possibilities the universe has to offer. Through her online community, The School of Awakening, her Amazon best-selling book, You’re Not Dying You’re Just Waking Up, and her successful podcast, Expand, EA has brought her expertise to celebrity clientele like Demi Lovato, models, actors, and musicians such as Chris Daughtry… as well as her huge online community. Each week on her podcast, EA dives into topics like the matrix, simultaneous time, consciousness, quantum physics, spirit guides, aliens, awakening, the Mandela effect, and much more. With well over seven million views on YouTube, over nine million minutes watched every month and an Instagram community of over 100K, the world is listening to what EA has to say. EA has been featured on Vice, Bustle, and Gaia TV to name a few, and has spoken at world-renowned conferences across North America including the Harmonic Convergence Festival, Alien Con Toronto, and Wellness Expo Toronto. She has shared her expertise on numerous podcasts including Almost 30, The Balanced Blonde, Positive Head, Master Mind, Body, and Spirit among others. Most recently, EA was a featured expert on Unidentified with Demi Lovato (NBC’s Peacock TV). Elizabeth April is on a mission to help shift the world, the only question remaining is, are you ready to join her on this journey? elizabethapril.com
Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, and today we have joining us a gifted thought leader of many titles, Elizabeth April. Welcome, Elizabeth, thank you for being with us. How are you doing today?
EA: I’m doing really well today! The sun is shining, the system is collapsing, and the world is changing. What’s not to love!?
It’s a pleasure to have you here, Elizabeth! Could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?
EA: I was born with extrasensory abilities. That just means that I was aware and sensitive to the energies around me. I was talking to ghosts and spirits from a young age and was able to see other people’s auras and chakras as well. I was deemed that weird kid in elementary school and felt as though I wasn’t really able to fit in anywhere. At around the age of 10, I remember recognizing that all the popular kids played sports, so I figured that I should do that too! I got involved in a number of different sports. I began to dedicate my reality to this physical world rather than the metaphysical. This seemed to work because I started making friends as my extrasensory abilities began to diminish. Around the age of 14, I was completely immersed in the physical world to the point where I was suffering from depression and anxiety. I was unhappy and acting out. At 16, I was questioning everything. “Who are we?” “What are we doing here?” “What is the meaning of life?” I asked every authority figure I could find to seek the answers. I went to counselors, high school teachers, parents, and even a priest to better understand this crazy world. I was always met with blank stares and disappointing answers. It seemed like no one really knew.
Eventually, at 16, my dad offered me a past life regression. I was open and willing to try anything at that point. In an hour and a half-long session, we explored around five different lifetimes. Lives where I was a shaman, lives where I was a monk or yogi, and lifetimes where I was enslaved and persecuted.
My mind was blown. All of a sudden, I realized that reincarnation is real, and time was just an illusion. I finally found what I was looking for – proof that there was more existing out there than just this world. I remember taking my notebook and copying down my dad’s regression techniques in it. Two years later, I went off to university. I didn’t know anyone at this university. In order to make friends, I would ask other students if they believed in reincarnation. I would then regress them with the notes from my dad. Looking back, I really feel it was irresponsible to be doing these sessions without the proper background or training. I just felt the need to help other people awaken to the possibilities.
Eventually, I began to realize that not everyone could be regressed, so I wondered if I could regress myself into a trance-like state and receive my own past lives or someone else’s. It worked! I had opened Pandora’s box, and there was no going back. I started getting all of my abilities back, precognition, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and remote viewing. At that point, I was re-awakened and ready to explore this new world full of infinite possibilities.
It was that curiosity that led me to a ten-day silent meditation retreat called Vipassana. To my absolute surprise, on the second night of the retreat, I was abducted by aliens! Yes, aliens. They were tall and freaky-looking. The whole thing was quite scary actually. It took me a while to process and heal from that experience, but once I fully accepted what took place, the can of worms was once again opened. I started to connect with benevolent beings and asked all my questions once again. “Who are you?” “Why are you here on planet Earth?” “Who are the humans? Why are you interested in us?”
My journey through the Akashic records gave me the tools that I needed to now take people to lifetimes off this planet. I am now 29 years old, and I have been speaking on stages, writing books, and helping thousands of clients from all over the world. About a year ago, I decided to stop taking one-on-one clients in order to help more people at the same time.
I’m in a place now where everything is different every day, and the multi-layers of the Universe never cease to amaze me.

So since becoming a past-life regressionist and channeler, you have been successfully sharing your wisdom with the masses. Without revealing all your magic, how are you able to tap into your other lifetimes and use their knowledge in this life? How do you help others do the same?
EA: I absolutely love the idea of being able to go to someone and have them guide you through your past life history. That being said, while I was this guide for others, the process felt outdated and energetically costly for both myself and the client. When I began to regress myself instead, I could navigate this newfound astral world simply by asking questions.
The process begins with closing your eyes, taking deep breaths to quiet your mind. You then go through a series of guidance, whether that be through audiotape or memory or visuals, you can guide yourself to open doors or go back in time. For me, I knew the regression by heart and didn’t need to be guided. I believe everyone can guide themselves in this way. It is extremely difficult to teach people this guidance because everyone sees and experiences that bridge differently.
Once you arrive in the astral world, you can go anywhere, see anything, and do anything you want. It’s pretty wild. It’s exactly like a lucid dream, except you’re fully conscious.
One thing I want to mention about using the information from these lives to benefit this life is that it’s important to understand that everything in our life is cyclical. All thoughts, actions, reactions, and emotions create an energetic ripple into the Universe. That ripple must come back in order for a soul to experience the full effect of that ripple. People call this karma. For example, when we drop something on our foot three times in one week, I believe that is most likely the karmic energy you are clearing at that moment without knowing you are clearing it. It is extremely important that we take a look into the past in order to complete those heavy energetic layers in the present. Right now, we are all yearning for freedom, and it doesn’t happen in your physical reality until it first happens in your energetic one.
While working with your clients, you share your knowledge of the matrix, simultaneous time, consciousness, quantum physics, spirit guides, awakening, and much more. Observing the current times we are living in, it is interesting to learn more about the Matrix and Quantum Shifts… What are they? How are they affecting us all right now?
EA: I believe that we are living in a matrix, which means the reality we are existing in is set up rather than occurring naturally. So of course, the next question would be, “Who set up this system and why?” Although that would be a whole discussion for another time, I will say that the vibration on the planet is shifting. So many of us are experiencing this shift that affects our lives even if we don’t know why. The vibration around Earth is moving faster. This means that the frequency is getting higher. This allows humans to be less dense as a physical being and more connected to Source energy. Although it feels really good to be more connected to the unconditional love of Source, it takes a lot of shedding to get there. As we release old traumas from this life and many others, we become more present with ourselves and more psychic.
As we not only climb into these higher frequencies but also settle into them, the world around us becomes much more strange. Space and time begin to act in non-linear ways. Such as thinking you sent an email but it’s still in your drafts. Or turning on a light, walking away, and the light is still off. Or maybe you remember the Bernstein Bears instead of the Berenstain Bears as it is today. So many aspects of our reality begin to change and almost flicker in and out of different timelines.
What I’m referring to could be called glitches in the matrix, timeline slips, quantum looping, or the Mandela effect. I believe all of these phenomena are indeed the exact same thing. This can be a scary thing for people at first, especially for people who have never even really questioned their reality before. Things are all of a sudden not what they seem. This realization alone can cause utter chaos in someone’s life.
The empowering part about shifting in and out of different timelines is that it really leaves room for infinite possibilities. No longer is this reality being controlled by forces outside of ourselves. The more we remember who we are, the greater our ability to recreate our reality around us. Our souls are finite but simultaneously contain infinite fractals of Source frequency. We chose to be here for this transition. We all have the tools to navigate it.
With the coronavirus pandemic and all this current negative noise around us today, more and more people are turning to lightworkers in their search for peace and comfort. Any practical tips our readers can start following today to make a shift to a higher state of being, to come closer to their inner peace?
EA: Great question! Ultimately, you have all of the knowledge and all of the tools you need to move forward with confidence on your path. However, obtaining the key to open that door can be tricky. The only thing preventing you from accessing all of your knowledge is your inability to disconnect from distraction. Every aspect of your entire life is a distraction away from pure Source energy or your soul. It’s okay to have a life and obligations and a busy schedule but find a way to practice disconnecting from it all. This is why the various meditation practices are such a common thread within many spiritual practices.
Personally, I don’t believe we need to sit on a cushion for 5 hours a day to reach enlightenment. In fact, finding the disconnect from distractions throughout your day, while doing mundane human tasks, is actually the best time to practice this. Of course, I don’t want you disconnecting from distractions while driving because that could be dangerous. But I believe in integrative practices, not compartmentalized ones. That way, when you’re doing the dishes, you can think back to this article and bring awareness to your own inner dialogue. What do you think about in a moment like that? You can step back just ever so slightly, so you observe the thoughts but aren’t “in them.” This ability to step out of this matrix and just observe rather than act on what’s taking place around you is a super key aspect of inner peace and overall reality mastery.

With well over seven million views on YouTube, over nine million minutes watched every month and an Instagram community of over 100K, the world is listening to what you have to say… What is your mission? And what is your legacy?
EA: My mission without a doubt is to help humanity remember just how powerful they are. To help them go within and find a place of zero-point neutrality. The funny thing is my mission has nothing to do with me at all. It’s about showing everyone who they are by asking them to see themselves without my help. My legacy doesn’t exist outside this present moment.
Is there a final message you want to let our readers know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?
EA: You are reading this article right now for a reason. You have been asking, you have been searching, but now you have arrived. It’s time to look at yourself, love yourself, and move forward with ease and grace. You have been downplaying your own abilities for far too long. Your time has now started, and the world needs you.
Thank you, Elizabeth, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!
EA: Thank you so much for helping the world and spreading a message. We can do this. Together in unity, we stand.