Daniel John Hanneman has an extensive background as a professional counselor and certified hypnotherapist with combined business and professional backgrounds in energy scanning, energy clearing, spiritual life coaching, intuitive business coaching, channeling, metaphysics, Religious Science, hypnosis, psychology, motivational techniques, and personal/business development systems.
From a best-selling book series, Daniel has co-authored the book, Wake Up Live The Life You Love – Living In Abundance, which featured internationally renowned legends including Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Dr. Michael Beckwith.
Daniel is the creator of the Your Sacred Purpose that is unleashing the hidden greatest potential within world-changing empaths, healers, and spiritual entrepreneurs by loving all of themselves including their full power, their greatest gifts, their truest purpose, and the ability to deepen the awakening of consciousness on the planet while enjoying profound money success.
KIMBERLY MASKA: Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, and today we have joining us Daniel John Hanneman, Sacred Purpose Healer and Intuitive Master Coach. Welcome, Daniel, and thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?
DANIEL JOHN HANNEMAN: I am feeling amazing and so looking forward to sharing with your audience. I know there are a lot of powerhouse spiritual leaders tuning in right now and it is a great honor to be connecting with all of you.
KIMBERLY: It’s a pleasure to have you here, Daniel! Before we get to all you do now with your spiritual gifts, could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?
DANIEL: Wow! Where to begin… I like to share that I am a shy person and used to be called “Mr. Invisible” in high school because I blended in with the walls. I was aware of my spiritual gifts a bit and told others that I had a special “power”. I had no idea what it was but I could feel it and use it to do things in my life. As a teenager, it was merely things like picking up a friend and throwing them up on a huge snowbank like it was nothing or other such feats of magic when in a connected state of energy. I also found myself being the best in making bets and winning them in predicting things because I just could feel what was going to happen. I did not know then that this was intuition or psychic rather it just would happen.
At the same time, I felt totally unlike others and wanted out of school/life because it lacked meaning to me during my teenage years. I suffered from intense anxiety and depression to the point of not caring about anything with huge despair for the state of what I knew to be ‘life’ at that time. I found my way through by taking one step at a time to feel better, focusing on joy or things to lift my energy like weight lifting or simply taking a shower (funny enough), or anything that could make me feel truly better. I went through therapy, etc., and journaled a lot and then got into creative writing to express myself.
I went to college and majored in Psychology to figure myself and others out more. I was sick of school for a while and got a job in outside sales selling copiers for about three years. I was the beloved salesperson in the company and yet never made great sales because I did not care about copiers. It did force me to get through my timid ways and assert myself with charisma to learn how to sell effectively.
After doing hundreds of cold calls per month for years, I had done all that was there for me and went on to get my Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. I worked with the “chronically mentally ill” for a number of years, enjoyed a job counseling others through an EPA service, and having my own private practice. I utilized the power of metaphysics that I gained through becoming a licensed practitioner of Science of Mind and completed a couple of certifications in hypnosis/hypnotherapy.
I got online to start my coaching/healing business in 2006 and struggled for a few years to the tune of six-figure debt, not paying my bills, and not able to even buy food for my family. I was completely committed to a deep sacred purpose, so no matter what happened I was going to keep going which is what produced success for me. I ended up going on to discover my Energy Scan Technique to support others by reading their energies especially the 7 Major Chakras.
After my struggles claiming my gifts and the money in my business, I started to help other healers through this challenge through my Academy for Invincible Healers which trained hundreds of healers in-depth how to use Energy Scanning to thrive on all levels in their businesses. I was guided to let that go in 2017 and now have launched Your Sacred Purpose to support world-changing spiritual entrepreneurs and light leaders to make the biggest difference possible while deepening their own awakening/ascension process.
KIMBERLY: How interesting and inspiring! What was the turning point in taking the steps to make your passion a business? And how have you managed to turn that into a business?
Daniel: It was the birth of my first daughter with my wife that called me out to live my greater potential. I felt that I had no more time to waste and wanted to be at home more to be with her. The rest I shared with you. It was my Divine Knowing that I must make a big difference and thrive doing my work in the world. I listened fully to that in breaking through to discover Energy Scanning, how to market, how to sell, and stand in my power to be most effective in my work. I am very grateful to have helped so many people and in creating a multi-six figure business for many years.
KIMBERLY: Daniel, as the creator of ‘Your Sacred Purpose’, can you share with us a bit about your program and its purpose? Who is this program for and how can your clients benefit from it?
Daniel: I find that nearly all my clients know they are meant to make a big difference in the world through their spiritual gifts and their deeper purpose. Many of them have been successful in their previous careers or their current businesses but know they are not living their deepest purpose that they have come here to live.
When they come to me, they are tired of not getting clients or not seeing their big plans coming to fruition, close to what they imagine they could be. They have a big vision for how things can be shifted energetically and/or through changing systems like healthcare, education, and more. They are finding, although different coaches help them with marketing and sales, that they are still spinning their wheels because of the lack of fully inner alignment with their deeper purpose and simply being who they truly and fully are.
Right now, I am very focused on helping others through my Claim Your Power 1-1 Program and my Rock Your Sacred Purpose 1-1 Program. I find that the deepest support is needed for those that are looking to do the greatest thing in a way that is customized to them. In each of these programs, I start by clearing their entire 7 Major Chakras and aligning them with their highest intentions. I am able to, as a coach of mine said, “Feng-Shui” their entire being to be aligned to be the channel for their greatest work and rock their sacred purpose with fulfillment in all areas of their life while deepening their awakening/ascension process.
KIMBERLY: Unfortunately, money talk is still a painful subject to many spiritual healers out there and a seemingly hard limiting belief to breakthrough. What is your method in working with clients on overcoming this and embracing financial abundance?
Daniel: Nearly all spiritual healer types suffer from this issue even when they are doing great in their businesses and especially those that are not succeeding, of course. My approach is to energy-scan them to see what is holding them back from letting their energy flow and align with money success in their spiritual business. I have the ability to see many layers of their being including past lives that allows me to pinpoint the work to be done.
Every person is different and needs different energy medicine. They all need to clear persecution energies from their past lives typically and the idea that being spiritual healers means you should basically take a vow of poverty. I offer them guidance and intuitive energy coaching to take the steps to breakthrough while doing deeper healing with them through my Channeled Prayers and Shadow Work that I do for them. I give their subconscious ‘the GO’ signal on money while doing it from a deep awakened space within where the money manifesting becomes more natural and a lot more fun than ever before.
KIMBERLY: What is one thing our readers can do today to start aligning themselves with greater purpose and financial abundance?
Daniel: Decide that you will live your sacred purposefully no matter what happens and as boldly as possible every day to make the greatest difference in the world. This along with the commitment to thrive in a huge way financially is the number one thing that will determine their success or lack of success in ‘rocking their sacred purpose’ through their spiritual business.
KIMBERLY: Is there a final message you want to let our readers know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?
Daniel: If you fully commit to what you know to be true for you, the way and details of it all manifesting will absolutely happen for you when you diligently stay committed and move through any so-called blocks or challenges that emerge. Clearing your deeper limiting beliefs and being certain of your success at the same time is the most powerful elixir for the success they are desiring. Every doubt is simply an opportunity to affirm their confidence with an exact opposite affirmation of what they are wanting to manifest. Focus on clearing these doubts all day long and your energy will rise exponentially taking you into success as surely as the sun shines even when you can not see it.
KIMBERLY: So inspiring, Daniel, thank you for this! And if our readers wanted to reach you, where can they find you?
Daniel: They can go grab my free Meditate and Make Money Meditation (totally proven to work) or apply for a 30-Minute Energy Scan Consultation to expose what may be invisible to you that is stopping you at www.yoursacredpurpose.com
KIMBERLY: Thank you, Daniel, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!
Daniel: Loved it, thanks so much!!!
Website: yoursacredpurpose
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LinkedIn: danhanneman