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Cover Story: Beth Leone


Beth Leone is the creator of The Priestess Path, sharing sacred feminine wisdom to empower the modern spiritual-sexual woman. She is the first female master in her martial art lineage and holds five black belts in Shaolin Kung Fu and Qigong. As a pioneer in the field of women’s empowerment, she weaves together the many lineages she has apprenticed for women to embody the Divine Feminine.

Her teachings include wisdom from Taoist Sacred Sexuality, shamanism, and feminine qigong.

She believes that the Earth needs the feminine now and that the key to your financial abundance is embodying your sacred feminine mission. You can learn about The Priestess Path at Get your Free Gift from Beth, Feminine Financial Freedom by CLICKING HERE.



Kimberly Maska: I love what you do in talking about the divine feminine and being able to bring that into the context of financial abundance, that when we are on our path and empowered as women, that’s when it’s all going to come together. Tell me a little about how you ended up on your path.

Beth Leone: Well, I started early. As a child, I was already seeing spirits and seeing lights and having things happen around me that were paranormal. I grew up knowing there was a spirit world, and I shut that down at the age of 14 because it started to scare me, and there was nobody in my environment or culture that could take me under their wing and teach me how to deal with those abilities. So I got on my knees and prayed one day, when there was a lot of this psychokinetic activity happening around me, and I asked for it to go away, so it did. Then, about a year later, I developed a severe eating disorder that I had for five years, and it landed me in the hospital. I’m in the hospital. It’s my senior year of high school. I’ve been taken out of school. It’s really rock bottom for me. Then, I got out of the hospital, where I had psychologists and gastroenterologists and dream therapists, and I was on IVs.

When I got out of the hospital, I was actually worse. I hid that from my parents, and I went off to college. I told them everything was okay, and it wasn’t. It was actually really bad. I got scared because there was something terribly wrong with me, and I kind of didn’t know what it was. I was a straight-A student. I was popular in school, although I was very shy and I didn’t like to talk to people, but something was deeply wrong. Then, I read my first book on shamanism, and when I read that book on shamanism, I said, “Those are my people.” I said, “Oh my God. A whole culture that believes in the spirit world, an entire culture that heals spiritually and heals the soul.” Then, I realized it was my soul that was sick. I began training with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and I apprenticed Sandra Ingerman and Michael Harner. After a few months of diligent shamanic work for myself and asking for healing, I was gifted a miraculous healing one evening by the spirits, and all of the parts of my soul that had detached due to childhood trauma came back to me all at once.

Beth Leone, master instructor, photographed by Raphael Bejarano in Monte Coxala, Mexico. Radiant Light Qigong.
Beth Leone, master instructor, photographed by Raphael Bejarano in Monte Coxala, Mexico. Radiant Light Qigong.

It was a period of a couple of weeks, and I was no longer bulimic. It was gone. Really, it was at that moment that I dedicated my life to the path of a healer, a shaman, a priestess, whatever you want to call it — there’s many names — the path of somebody who interacts with that world and deals with life that way. Ever since then, I have just devoted myself to this path, and so I’ve accumulated a lot of wisdom and knowledge and practices because I apprenticed many masters in my time. Now it’s time for me to give it back. What I have done is I developed a school that I wish that I had when I was 17 — 18, the school that I wanted to be able to be a part of rather than the colleges and universities that are not teaching anything that I wanted to be. I feel that there’s a whole lot of people out there, a lot of women out there, a lot of men out there, people who really need this as the education.

Kimberly Maska: That’s amazing. I love the transition point of understanding that your soul was sick because I see that so often. People say, “I have this illness and that illness.” I know as soon as they open up and become really open to receiving their gifts, suddenly, they’re cured. It’s such a beautiful thing. That’s lovely that you found that at such an early age, too, and not hanging on until it was too late.

Beth Leone: Yeah. I was lucky in some ways to get that early. Then, I had to figure out how to heal my soul, but the difficult part was that there really wasn’t a pathway in society for me and for those like me who realized at an early age that, “I’m not meant for the regular world, the world that everyone sold us and has programmed us to be a part of. I’m meant for something that’s much more timeless and ancient.” For many years I lived below the poverty level because I was fashioned out of this cloth, and there was no place for me in society. When I began, there was no Internet, so you couldn’t just go online and get information about anything. You had to go find somebody. It was difficult for me to find the people that I could learn from and apprentice with, but I did.

Another reason that I created The Priestess Path is I feel that it’s time for the role of priestess to come back as a valid role in society. I started out as a woman with this ability and interest, but there was nothing that I knew that you could be except for a healer, and then I discovered the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Sandra Ingerman really inspired me, but I’m like, “That’s rare. That’s her. There’s no way I could do that.” I want to just make it more practical for people.

Kimberly Maska: Well, you’ve gone on this journey, and now you’ve created a business, but it wasn’t always easy. You’re successful now, and you’re out there changing lives, but we go through this process where so many spiritual entrepreneurs struggle with the thought of creating financial abundance with their gift. How did you overcome that to create your success?

Beth Leone plays wind harp on the mountain top in Sedona Arizona. Harp courtesy of Peter Sterling
Beth Leone plays wind harp on the mountain top in Sedona Arizona. Harp courtesy of Peter Sterling

Beth Leone: I overcame that because I decided to overcome it. You have to make the decision first. You have to get tired of not having any money and living below the poverty level and living in shacks without electricity and things like that, and then, finally, at one time, you say, “You know what? I think that I’m worth it, and I deserve to have money.” That can be a journey, a very personal journey because we are programmed to have this sense of guilt, spiritual guilt with money, yet everything here is spirits. Great Spirits. Gods. We don’t take any of this stuff with us. Whether you have 10 houses and 500 cars, does it really matter? You’re just going to give it all back anyway. We don’t own anything while we’re here anyway. We have to come to this inside of ourselves. Really, it’s the worth. Am I worth it? Is what I’m doing worth it? That’s a very personal decision. But once you make that decision and you decide, “You know what, this is worth it, and I deserve to have abundance,” then after I did that, which took me awhile, then I found the right mentor.

That’s what I’ve always done in my life. When I wanted to know something, I found a mentor, and I went to that person in that organization, and I was trained by that master or mentor. That’s what I did when I wanted to become successful in business. I didn’t know who it was going to be, but I knew I needed that person in my life, and so this is how manifestation happens. First, there comes that desire, that will. Sometimes you just have to be and have to “cook in” that desire for a while. I’m hungering for something. I don’t know who exactly it is, whether that’s love in your life, your beloved, or that’s your abundance. If you just hold that in there, the universe will bring that person to you. That’s what happened to me. My business coach is the man who launches the online programs for Eckhart Tolle and David Deida. He knew how to take somebody’s business and help them put it online. That’s what I did. I decided that I wanted to reach a larger audience online instead of teaching one-on-one.

For forever, I taught one-on-one, and I taught small group lessons, and I taught workshops. That’s why I was in poverty. The Internet now has given us the ability to reach a wider audience and to reach people all over the world and to take people through our particular mastery. It is one thing that I do want to say to your audience is that you don’t have to have a ton of training in order to have something that people need. I think that that’s the main thing. So many people feel like, “I need the next training” or “I really need to be a doctor,” or this or a that, and you really don’t. I like to help women find their particular area of mastery that they’re already a master of and really nurture that and also support them to create their program, their thing that they do to bless other people.

Beth Leone teaching a women’s circle Taoist Arts at One Love Festival, Ojai, CA
Beth Leone teaching a women’s circle Taoist Arts at One Love Festival, Ojai, CA

Kimberly Maska: That’s beautiful. I love the idea, too, where you talk about really stepping out, now being able to use the Internet and touch so many thousands of lives, and that’s the services part. How do we serve at a greater level? We create a business. Without a business, like you said, you’re one-on-one. You’re living in poverty level, seeing people here and there instead of really serving at a bigger level. I think that’s a big “aha” for a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs. They want to help the people, but they are only helping 10 or 15 people a month instead of helping thousands, which is such a huge transformation.

Beth Leone: Yeah. That’s a really big shift in somebody’s personal life, going from the one-on-one sessions to the evolution of the larger audience. There’s a personal decision that you make, “Okay, I’m willing to be seen.” So many women don’t want to be seen — men and women. I’ve trained men many years, too. Right now, I’m focusing on women, but I have a program coming up called the Summer of Shamanism, which is for men and women. It’s really just the human thing, but as a human you have to be ready for a larger audience to see you. Some of us are very sensitive, and we’re very sensitive to the judgments of other people. And with the Internet, too, you have to be willing for people to judge you if you want to step out and reach a larger audience. There are certain things that will cap people at their success level. You know, it’s very interesting because there’s this whole meta-level of what’s going on on the planet, where we’re a bit of a slave society, where we have lots of debt. It’s very hard to make a living. There’s this pressure on people. You’ve got to make $4000 a month just to survive in this world. How are you going to get those thousands of dollars every single month?

In ancient societies, you lived in the rain forest. You lived in the Sahara Desert or something. You didn’t have to earn and earn and earn. We find ourselves in this meta-structure, where every day we have to earn, and it’s not necessarily the way that we are. There are a number of things that we have to really wrap our minds around and get okay with. Basically, the world gives back to you in relation to what you give to the world. The more people that you can give to and actually give something of substance, something that is going to help them, that they will benefit from, then the world gives back to you. It’s just important to find what that is for you.

Kimberly Maska: You’re speaking my language. I say that all of the time. I see financial abundance and money as a form of love. The more people that you can share your gifts with and they love you back, that’s where that financial abundance comes in. That is definitely my language. Now, we know with that, with financial abundance coming in, some people can get a little wobbly and out of balance, so how do you stay in alignment through your higher self in this process?

Beth Leone: I did spend about 2 years on the computer, 14 hours days, as I was launching this business online, so I did get a little out of balance with that because I did sacrifice some of my lifestyle. I used to train two hours a day. As you said before, I have five black belts. A huge part of my life was an entire martial arts life where I had five marital arts schools. We had thousands of students, and we trained for a living, and we trained people for their black belt. That was my life for ten straight years. At that point, I had a husband, my first husband, and we did have financial success, but it was because of him. When I transitioned from that environment, because I needed to really truly follow my authentic path, then again, it was just up to me. It was like, “Okay, Beth, now what do you do? How do you make this happen?” That’s when I had to really go through that transition of, “All right, how do I bring abundance into my life, staying true to my sacred dream and being who I really am?”

Beth Leone doing qigong on the cliffs of Kardamilli, Greece in an oncoming storm
Beth Leone doing qigong on the cliffs of Kardamilli, Greece in an oncoming storm

Actually, I am at a cleansing institute, at a raw food cleansing institute with The Priestess Path. I’m taking all my priestess initiates on a cleanse. What I’ve done now is incorporate into what I teach and what I share, my lifestyle. Now, I’m coming back into balance, and it’s like, “Okay, I don’t have to sacrifice my time and my health in that way. What I need to do is weave this in to what I do.” The movement and the meditation and the cleansing and the lifestyle is part of what I teach and offer because that’s what we all need to be doing. If you merge what takes care of you and you give that to others, you get financial success.

Your business is actually bigger, so there’s a lot more going on, and there’s a lot more people to talk to that want your attention. Right now, I literally have all these emails I can’t even get to. I’m like, “I need an assistant to just answer my emails that are coming in.” That’s where I’m at now, where it’s just like I’m building a team now.

Kimberly Maska: That’s a great point because when we grow and we build, yes, we’re here to serve, but we have to take care of ourselves first because if we don’t, the business does not run. We are the engine. If that shuts down, if we’re not working, then there is no business. We must take care of ourselves first. When you created your business, is there anything that, looking back, knowing what you know now, that you would have done differently to be able to get you here quicker and serving at a higher level?

Beth Leone: I would have accepted my path earlier, as far as publicly accepting it. I called myself a closet shaman for many years, and I really didn’t like to tell people about it because I was such a sensitive child. I didn’t even talk as a child. I was so sensitive. I’ve come a long way in allowing myself to be seen like this. I would have just said, “You know what? I love this. I’m passionate about this, and I’m going to share it.” And I would have been much more active earlier on. It’s interesting because now, when I look back at me in my 20s, sure, I didn’t have all the experiences that I have now, but I had this beginner’s mind and this beginner’s passion and beginner’s inspiration. That is incredibly valuable. It’s not necessarily something you have after you’ve been in your life for 30 years, and you’ve had so many things happen. Actually, even when you’re starting out on something and you’ve learned it, and you’re passionate about it, and you have a good sense of it, that’s a perfect time to start whatever it is that you’re passionate about. 

Stay humble. Don’t go beyond what you know. Don’t pretend like you know something that you don’t. You don’t need to because you only need to know — we always said this in the martial arts — you only need to know 10% more than somebody in order to teach them because sometimes, if you know 500% more, you can’t relate to them anymore anyway. You don’t want to be that far off from them, just a little bit more, and share that. Just show up, really. At this point, the world needs as many helpers as it can have. The oceans are filled with plastic trash. The creatures are suffering all over — the creatures in the ocean, the creatures on the land. The air is suffering. The water is suffering. Do anything that you’re passionate about, and bring other people along with you, and inspire other people to do it. That can be your job because the world needs us on and activated and conscious and helping. That’s how I see it.

Beth Leone photographed by Guy Webster in Venice, CA
Beth Leone photographed by Guy Webster in Venice, CA

Kimberly Maska: Great takeaway point. You must need to know 10% more. I see so many people get caught in that cycle. In my Facebook group, they’re always stuck with needing to get more certifications. I tell them, “Please just step out and serve,” because they’re so needed at this time, so that is a huge takeaway. Now, I know you have a free gift for my audience. Tell us a little bit about The Priestess Path and the free gift and everything they need to go find you.

Beth Leone: The free gift that I have is called Feminine Financial Freedom Starter Guide. It’s a starter guide to inspire you to align with your feminine gift, with your femininity. What is the 10% you are master of? Then, beginning your road to financial freedom, which is really being who you are, being authentic and being tuned into your passion and getting abundantly rewarded for that. You can find that on my website. My website is and you can find the free guide at .

Kimberly Maska: Fantastic. Well, thank you so much for sharing space and energy and all of your knowledge. I look forward to seeing what you’re doing and finding out more about The Priestess Path. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Beth Leone: Thank you so much.

