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Could You Be Experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul?

You may have heard of the dark night of the soul. You may be going through it. I know many who are. You may have already been through it. You may have been through quite a few!

Globally and collectively we are going through a dark night of the soul. And as we are all consciousness, we are all connected, so this filters down to an individual level.

They do not tickle, these dark nights. They are neither fun nor enjoyable. In fact, knowing the world that we live in, you may have been put on medication, or worse, interned, for some or all of the symptoms.

It is likely that you, and everybody that you know, thought (or thinks) you have a mental illness or a physical illness, or both.

It is highly likely that you do not.

It is highly likely that your body is upgrading. And to upgrade, things must first ‘downgrade’, if you like. To become more whole, more YOU, your body must first transgress the gunk that’s kept you (and the whole of the rest of humanity, you’re not alone), in the body and mind of limitation that has been your – our collective – conditioning.

Think of the last few years. Think of all that has been, and continues to be, fuelled into you, that you voluntarily and unconsciously pay attention to, day after day. The fear fear fear fear fear. And then some fear. And then a great big dose of fear.

It may be hard for you to even BEGIN to contemplate the levels of corruption that are going on in the systems of government that are creating the stories they want you to hear, but when you do start to consider that all may not be as it seems, THEN elements of you will start to break down … your beliefs will be challenged, whether you like it or not. What you thought you knew will be challenged, whether you like it or not. Everything you ever thought ‘was’, you may well find out wasn’t.

As you realise more and more that life is not what you thought, your old beliefs, understandings, patterns must go somewhere. So they start breaking down to make space for the new.

That breakdown can take many and multiple forms. Often it looks like depression. Anxiety. Woe. Often it spills out via sudden and uncontrolled, seemingly irrational emotions. Sobbing, grief, confusion, rage. It can have you exhausted, overwhelmed, nauseous, or in denial or avoidance. It can have you at the doctor’s. It can have you feeling condemned because the rest of your people have no idea what’s actually going on with you.

A dark night of the soul can feel debilitating, very lonely, and like it’s never going to end. It feels very real because it IS real. It’s potentially more real than anything else you ever thought was real. Because it’s making space for REAL YOU.

If we can all open our minds to the fact that something very much bigger than most of our human brains can even grasp is happening, then we can reframe what’s going on and see it from a whole different perspective. If we can come from the vibration of acceptance, surrender, love, the intention of wellbeing, and the honouring of the upgrade of our bodies, instead of from judgement, fight, sick, low, flat, ‘what is wrong with me’, we will start to view this shift from a whole new and far more objective and healthier perspective.

When we open our minds to the fact that our souls are EXPANDING, we can better accept and manage the ‘dark night’ as a collective, and better support those of us who are going through one. It’s not fun, but it’s necessary for our evolution. It’s necessary for us all to grow into our personal integrity and sovereign power, and it will continue to go on for quite some time so we might as well be actively aware of what it is and choose to honour and embrace it as it’s for all of our own goods.

