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Conscious Relationships

Taking ownership of whom we are at any given moment isn’t just a responsibility we should take seriously to better ourselves but it’s for the benefit of others as well. In all of our relationships especially our intimate one’s we can sometimes overlook the subtle feelings we have. Over time, those feelings often grow into uncomfortable situations which ultimately need to be addressed and that’s not always the best way, nevertheless, it is the way.

Communicating our feelings leads us to places within ourselves and others we hadn’t yet discovered. Something I considered looking at in my life was all of my relationships and I asked myself, we’re they all capable of mature communication that allowed for each of us to grow? To do this I decided to be an observer of myself within every aspect of my life because all of my life is represented by a variety of relationships in different forms. Each one is a reflection of the relationship I have with my inner self and experienced as an outer expression.

The first thing I looked at was whether each one was a positive influence in my life or one that didn’t support my well-being and expansion. Then I labeled the non-supportive ones as temporary situations or gifts of contrast, which were showing me the way to my happiest self. Most importantly I wrote out my feelings about those relationships and determined how I had gotten there in the first place. What I found within myself were the beliefs which allowed me to accept those situations in my life. Once uncovered I released the old thought patterns and rewrote the script within my mind. With each one, I discovered more value for myself and as a result, I naturally stepped into my worth.

Having completed the inner work, I am now able to attract the rewrite in my mind. It’s not just about saying I deserve better, it’s knowing it and understanding why I accepted what I had. When I say the word deserve and I feel its vibration, it speaks to me saying…I’m not good enough and so, to me the belief of deserving holds the higher vibration at a distance. A complete rewrite speaks the vibration of knowing clearly and so, I effortlessly receive everything I ask, and still, there’s more to do. To receive the new, my shift into knowing opens the doors of divine inspiration within myself. That of which requires action and creates the momentum of potential energy, which by manifestation offers me the opportunity to step into a better me. The inner work requires a follow through and it’s an important step to acknowledge and do, to allow the process to be completed. We often aspire to grow and at times fear the necessary change required to meet our new self. So in addition, I found that mirroring why I wasn’t feeling safe transformed the process of fearing change, into an adventure and feeling of excitement.

I also recognized that my relationships with the most contrast served me well, each one showing me how I was out of alignment. I learned to recognize contrast as my friend and shifted my feelings of it, from not liking it, to a place of appreciation because contrast is always guiding me to my best and most fulfilling life. Feeling good about having constant positive growth in my life is wonderful and I appreciate being able to recognize contrast in the most subtle ways.

My closest relationships were the most challenging at times and they were with those who understood the meaning of being in a conscious relationship. They’re also the most rewarding and offer a much deeper look within ourselves. They create a tremendous opportunity to bring the potential of life to a state of living. For each of us, freedom arrives as a result of the commitment and promise we make to source, ourselves and our significant other to show up. The mysteries of our pain reveal the keys to our salvation, meaning now we understand how our consciousness kept us in a limited state of existence. Being in a relationship where you can express your feelings to one another in a healthy way as I’ve described. Literally loves one another back to a state of wholeness, without any longer having to experience a repetitive and uncomfortable existence. In such a way the idea of blame, excuses, or even the stories we create to justify lack, cease to exist.

We accomplish this via true listening and holding a safe space for one another to be completely vulnerable. In the beginning, it can feel uncomfortable to go deep within ourselves, be an advocate for our pain, and speak it out loud. However, as time goes on it becomes easier because the benefits of doing so are so rewarding and feel so good. In addition, when in a conscious relationship the word commitment isn’t limited to the understanding of the work I do, to be only of benefit to myself alone. It’s an understanding that my feelings can lead my partner to a place of pain within themselves which often is unknown to them, as we are all mirrors of one another. It means I recognize my partner’s feelings as a gift and guide to the betterment of myself knowing, she is me and a reflection of all my seen and unseen. For we are both the sun and the moon, not one or the other. We’re already whole and complete, here to remind ourselves that knowing so creates worlds. How wonderful it is to share a life of living with someone who wishes to create together a shared reality.

May my expression of living activate self-discovery and unlock the mysteries within all who read it, may it ignite the remembrance of Eternal Consciousness within and with effortless effort, shift, realign, assist in remembering to rewrite the limitations of the human mind and allow each of you to step into the new world before you right now.

