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Communication Is a Journey to Your Heart

Every day we communicate with another human, either using verbal language or body language. Either way, it immediately leaves a good or bad impression on the receivers. The positive impact helps us build a reputation and expand our circle of friends. It opens the door between two people and unites us.

Communication is also the fastest way to know the personality of others. In our mind with its judgment, we evaluate if this person polite, adventurous, uneducated or rude. From a simple conversation, we can have a glimpse of somebody’s life without needing a personality test.  Many even expose their fears without realizing it.


Many people claim that they are intellectuals, highly educated. However, the moment they open their mouth to speak, they never realize when their words filled with harshness, it still shocks me at times. With instant gratification and good feelings about themselves, they interpret their thoughts and words as to be simple, direct and honest which turn out that lead them to the path of no-return. They feel there is nothing wrong with them and they do not require to seek any learning in order to improve themselves.

At times, after Bazi Consultation with my client, I have a gush of melancholic feelings. I get to sense that my client feels disconnected, frustrated and isolated from their own self and others. The hunger in their soul triggers the desire to be deeply connected with self and others. I ponder on the wisdom towards building a harmony and better relationship in our life. When two people engage in communication, be it between best friends, husband and wife, parents and children, or employer and employee, due to unresolved conflicts growing through time,  why do both parties gradually choose to go their separate ways?

This situation seems to be so common nowadays. The fast-paced urban environment and culture have made us communicate impulsively by brief exchange of information.  Especially under the media influence, gossiping, shouting, etc. seem to be the norm.


Take some time and ask yourself… How did we create or where did these unresolved pain memories and experiences come to us?

  • Is it due to environment & culture difference?
  • Is it due to values & beliefs? ;
  • or is it due to the way relationships are perceived?

What are your findings? Is it due to the causes mentioned above or just another grand excuses like, “I am just trying to find a ‘safety net’ to grab & breath?”  Today we are privileged with tons of information available online and offline, courses, seminars, conferences… we have so many tools such as MBTI, DISC, Bazi, and NLP to help and guide us, and yet things are not getting well around us. The divorce rate is getting higher, the suicide rate keeps shooting up, the mental & emotional breakdown reports are rising.

Fundamentally, let’s ask ourselves… With every single word that comes out of our mouth, do we truly and sincerely speak with an interest, compassion, awareness, and clarity? If Yes, shouldn’t we feel happy rather than upset?Communication to Connect!

A person of authenticity who is able to inspire and touch the hearts of others does so not because he talks a lot. It is because his every action, word, and thought are in line, expressing his true and unique self consistently through time that’s being recognized in the eyes of everyone. With consistency, the integrity of the Communication naturally carries out the power and values to transform the lives around us.

As we become more aware of ourselves through communicating, connecting, and expressing our needs, the shift to a new perspective and deep sense of healing and intimacy takes place in us and in our relationships.

The willingness to recognize a conflict, understand and let go of it gives us more room to grow. The flaw of relationships is a grace to us to heal our heart and soul, to learn to trust and give our attention to make agreements and move forward.

Communication is a journey to your heart. It is an opportunity to deepen the connection to and awareness about our own self and others. Let’s trust the universe and our instincts. Compassion between our own self and others, based on the mutual giving from the heart, is the healing medicine we need for ourselves in our current relationships and for our future generations.


