Weighing Just Balance
Inevitably, throughout my years as a spiritual leader, I have been faced with the contradiction of defining what is just (fair) vs. the painful life
Inevitably, throughout my years as a spiritual leader, I have been faced with the contradiction of defining what is just (fair) vs. the painful life
What are you supposed to do as a spiritual person living in this very physical world?
The new year has started off with a positive creative and social vibe. We have a lot to look forward to as we courageously step
And what I find is that we get stuck in a cycle of over committing that actually leaves us little, or in some cases, no time to give to ourselves, to nourish ourselves, to refuel ourselves, let alone create and participate in our lives.
We all hoped 2021 was going to be a better year for everyone, but it has been another difficult year for most with businesses and
This month brings opportunities to harness positive energy and empower ourselves to be proactive. We’ll want to work diligently to manage any chaos in our
May we together create a place so beautiful that it is the reflection of who we have become
The year has flown by and I can’t believe the holiday season is almost upon us. I am so excited because Christmas is my favourite
If it was ok, to disregard yourself like this, you wouldn’t feel so bad.