Are You Building Your Business From Choice Or By Habit? Here Are 3 Questions To Help You With That.
Are you doing the same work day in and day out? Have you gotten in the habit of building your business? Monday check the numbers. Tuesday write some Facebook posts. Wednesday work with clients. Is it all starting to sound and look the same and yet your business growth has stalled out, or even worse, started to contract and shrink?
If you have answered yes to any of these, or all of them, then you have fallen into the “habit” of doing business and it will eventually get you nowhere.
When we fall into a routine, that is just another word for rut. Then what typically happens is that we stop asking questions and we start labelling. I don’t know how to do that so I have to take this course and learn it. No I am not going to ask for help because I don’t want to seem weak or that I don’t know how to build a business. I am stalling on doing this a new way because my logical mind is trying to see how it will all work before I start doing anything. This usually means weeks, months of stalling, or in some cases, not doing it at all.
Business changes. It changes just as quickly as our Facebook status and we need to be willing to embrace that speed of change by doing business by choice. Choice, to clarify, means asking questions. No deciding what something is, making excuses or justifying, just choose.
By asking questions, we are able to do our due diligence and determine which choice is going to create expansion, growth and fun and which choice will not. Now nowhere am I promising that you will not be uncomfortable or that it might take some work. All growth does. All expansion does.
So what are three questions that will assist you with building your business from choice?
1. What else is possible here that I have not even considered?
This little gems starts the brainstorming and the imagination juice. When we ask this question and sometimes I have been known to walk around my office asking this one repeatedly until the ideas start to pop like a mouth full of pop rockets and then I start scribbling and asking more questions about my scribbling. This question makes me grateful for whiteboards and colored dry erase markers.
2. Where am I refusing to receive expansion and growth in my business?
This lovely little darling brings to light areas of your business that you may have written off as not contributing when in actual fact they have been, and with a little attention, can bring more wealth easily and the best part, it already is part of the business so just polishing no creating required. Polishing can be fresh perspectives on old ways of selling.
3. What areas of my business are profit suckers and should be removed or changed in my business?
How many areas of your business are you just doing it because it is easy? Website hosts, printers, rentals, insurance, advertising locations? If you ask the question you can find very simple ways to bring your overhead down. With asking this question and then reviewing some numbers we were able to shift things around and save $3000 a year just by changing a service provider and leasing a machine. This money was then reallocated to other areas of the business that were already bringing in profit, they just needed some polishing in the form of different advertising.
So the choice is yours. Fall into mind numbing habits or ask a few questions and make some amazing choices to have more ease, fun and of course profit!