So Is It Time to Flock Off and Create a Successful Business?
The majority of success books state that your success is dictated by your 5 closest friends. Weird, right? Not really. You hang out with people who have similar preferences. Movies, food, exercise, AND money. Let me clarify further.
I was sitting in an Entrepreneur course with a brilliant professor who stated, “If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, be willing to lose all of your employee friends.” That was when the statement came flooding back into my awareness. Birds of a feather flock together.
My friends who worked for other people have very different views, opinions, and contacts than my business owning friends.
Employee friends talk about their jobs, the hours, the pay. Business owning friends talk about possibilities, opportunities, growth plans, profits and how to improve customer experiences. (The successful owners do, the unsuccessful ones do not – just so that we are clear).
Employee friends take weekends and holidays off. Typically once they were off the clock, they never thought twice about work, unless they were with other employee friends or they dreaded going back after the weekend.
Are all employee friends this way?
No. Most that I have in my reality are and I can only speak to what I know. They are always telling me that I am working too hard, I should take some time off, even that my kids and family suffer because they believe that I am a workaholic. But is it work if you love what you do, and the kids are playing next door, and you would rather research than binge Netflix? Would my team desire to work for a slacker or a go-getter where not succeeding is not an option in my reality?
Business owning friends talk business 24-7. They are excited to share their insights, offer advice, talk about their latest business book, webinar or networking event that they went to and invite you to opportunities and possibilities. Business building becomes their lifestyle. There is no turning off.
Business owning friends talk about how to ensure that your family is not missing out on you, how to time manage so that those concerts are not missed and you are effective in your time to get everything done. They give you accolades when you don’t give up and do what it takes to accomplish your targets and goals. They share with you how to get those business loans, how to effectively hire for your team and which lawyer they use themselves and so on.
When you want to create something in your life, you want to surround yourself with those that have what you desire so that you can learn from them, support them and create something greater.
The beautiful part of being an entrepreneur is that you are able to provide employment to others. You hold the risk. You also receive the profit and loss. Most employees would not choose that. It is too scary. So if that is your flock, would you be surrounded by fear and playing it safe, playing it small which inevitably leads to closing your doors?
If you are surrounded by successful business owners, would you be privy to techniques, strategies, and insights that would assist you with becoming greater and therefore your employees benefit through you and your business? They talk to you about manageable risk, intelligent action, and steps to achieve those goals.
So do you get rid of everyone that is an employee from your flock? No. Just be aware of their flocking talk.
Look for people who have created what you desire to create in your world and start talking flock with them. It really does make a difference in how quickly you create your amazing and successful business. It’s easy, fun, and collaborative.