Have you felt that there just wasn’t enough time in the day? It is something that we all have encountered at one time or another. We seem to be bound by schedules, appointments, and timetables to keep us on track throughout the day. Unfortunately, we are unable to escape some of these human ideologies when it comes to time, but we can make better use of the time that isn’t bound by these pesky schedules just by being present.
Has this happened to you? While driving home from work, without realizing it, you are already home. Not remembering the actual drive may scare you a bit.
When leaving for work in the mornings, if not telling myself out loud or screaming it in my head that my curling iron/straightener was unplugged, I would have to call my then-husband and ask that he check it. Most of the time, it was off and unplugged. I wasn’t present to realize it. I was probably going over my daily work schedule and personal appointments for the day. Instead of single-tasking by being present in that exact moment.
Being present is important for the obvious safety reasons, like driving and not starting a fire with a curling iron, but more so because we could miss out on an opportunity that we need for our growth/expansion or have been waiting for.
Several of my clients have been so preoccupied with focusing on what they want right now, that they aren’t open to allow or receive the messages and opportunities that will give them what they want. The more that manipulation or controlling an outcome occurs, the more it is pushed away. There may be steps or lessons to learn before that one desire is received from Source. Not being present, means that the opportunity will be missed.
If you are present, have faith, trust, and believe that the universe will bring to you what it is that you want, it is amazing how quickly you will receive what you desire.
Make no mistake, commitment and consistency on your part are paramount. Sitting back and doing nothing will not work. Taking action steps from a place of presence, faith, trust, and belief without any expectations of how or when you will receive what it is you desire are the necessary ingredients (and I repeat that again because it is that important).
To start this practice, you can start with only a few minutes of being present by sitting quietly and closing your eyes. To ensure that your mind doesn’t distract you, say out loud (or inside your head) what you are sensing. Take note of what you are hearing, smelling, what images are on the inside of your eyelids as your eyes are closed. Is your skin warm or cool? Does your body achy or tingly, if so, where? Just becoming aware without the need to fix or change anything is a great start to being present.
Another exercise in being present that I used when first starting was practicing this invaluable spiritual resource at the grocery store. While in line, I would do the same thing (only this time I kept my eyes open). In my mind I would ask myself the same questions only this time I would give a description of the people and displays that I would see.
I found that the more I practiced being present, the more I would notice those sprinkles of opportunities, signs from my loved ones and angels, and symbols that spoke to me. You, too, can receive the same by following one of the first steps and that is being present.