In our fast-paced world, we know that our businesses grow as fast as we do. As Spiritual business owner’s we often skip steps or avoid issues in our businesses because we just don’t feel comfortable addressing them and I am sure guilty of that. When I realized that I needed to balance and become vigilant of my Business Chakras, things started to change for me.
Have you ever had clients or customers that irked you or pushed your buttons? You kept them because you needed the money? I know I did in the past and it was because I had never taken the steps to put out the right energy as to what I wanted in clients. I often dreaded them coming to see me because I knew that I could not stand my ground with them with regards to my time. It took me a while as it brought up a lot of issues around money and this relates to your ROOT Chakra.
Your Root Chakra in business relates to your courage and patience with yourself as you grow. It relates to the structure of your business and this relates to your Business plan. Stability and security will help create your manifestation.
I continue to work on this aspect of my business and it helped me focus on my business beliefs. I still work on my business plan and now look at it as my vision plan that includes my life plan.
Next we go to the Sacral Business chakra. My worthiness as a Business owner came into play as well as my abundance issues. Well my own worthiness continues to grow and with that my ability as a business owner does as well.
Then the Solar Plexus chakra that relates to your self-worth, self-esteem, confidence and personal power. My inner work continues daily and with that I started listing all the clients that I helped and put I up where I could see it. I also now make sure that ask for help when I am challenged with an issue in business.
The Heart Business Chakra challenged me because for such a long time I did not truly love myself. I started asking myself if I truly loved my business and listened to what came up.
Then the Throat Chakra of my business is something I am still working as I continue to step into the realm of being seen with videos and speaking on stage. Networking, talking on the phone, talking in front of others all relate to your throat chakra and this is an area that is imperative in your business.
The Third Eye of my Business challenged me as I began to share my wisdom and trust my intuition. I got stumped when I asked myself if I truly had the right to offer my wisdom as an expert without certain diplomas. Now I cherish my wisdom and know that my life journey is more than worth its weight in gold.
The Crown Business Chakra is where I do get a lot of inspiration but it often gets sidelined with other “stuff” that comes up to distract me which I know now is FEAR. Knowing this happens to me I now ask myself daily what am I so afraid of and then listen to the answers. Going into our fears is a great way to see if the reflection is also showing up in our business.
Here are some questions to ask if your Business Chakras need balancing?
- Are you confident that your business will be around in 2 years?
- Do you have a reliable work space and or /equipment?
- Are you passionate about your business (i.e. it’s not just a job)
- Is your business something you would do even if you didn’t need an income?
- Are you happy with your (and your business’s) visibility?
- Are you known for what you do?
- Do you absolutely love your clients and customers?
- Do your clients and customers love you and give you referrals?
- Do new clients find you easily?
- Do you feel like you spend your most of your time doing your thing rather than running your business?
- Do you have a plan to follow to generate new business?
- Could your business keep running for a week without you?
- Does your business nourish your soul?
- Do you feel joy from your business?
Take the challenge and ask yourself the questions above and then see yourself saying them as a positive statement.
Here is a new belief:
I have wonderful clients that love my work and give me referrals.
I am visible and my new clients easily find me.
My business nourishes my soul and personal development.
As always look at your beliefs and you will find your business blocks.