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The ABC’s of Your 123’s: B Is for Business

Use the Energy of Numbers to Achieve Your Goals

What if I told you numerology gives you focus and helps you complete your most challenging tasks? By adding a few numbers and matching it to the tasks at hand; you can get your to-do lists, ta-done!

It seems like magic, it isn’t. It’s energy. Everything has energy. You have felt it in the sunrise, in a grumpy person, and in a kind persons’ eyes. Numbers have energy too, and just like the energy of the sun, we can use it! Numerology translates this energy so we can access it. Most often numerologists use numbers from your date of birth.

One of these numbers is your Life Path number which is translated into information about a person’s life purpose. The numbers I am referring to are derived the same way to translate the energy of a specific date on the calendar, called Universal Day. By connecting the energy from those days, it can buoy us to accomplish our to-do list. 

For example, the energy of the number 1 is about new things, new beginnings and being a leader. If we want to accomplish any of the tasks that require this type of energy, we look for ‘1’ energy days on the calendar. On the calendar below, the 15th of the month would be a good day to schedule such activities.

Here are the numbers, 1-9, with suggested ideas of tasks we can accomplish in those days:

  1. Start new projects, make major decisions, take the lead, aim for the top
  2. Use emotions to connect with your clients, review your story, write copy
  3. Socialize, express yourself artistically, find joy in your work
  4. Build your base, send out roots, create long term goals
  5. Tackle a task you have been putting off, travel, expect changes or create them
  6. Create harmony: improve your work area, take care of yourself, love on something that is frustrating you
  7. Research, learn, share your work, meditate on your work, save your work thrice, work outside
  8. Think: power, finance, marketing
  9. Use your business to help others, consider other things you are good at and add them to your work

After calculating the energy of each day on the calendar, match it to a task from the list above. Here is how to calculate the energy of any day, using the date September 5, 2019, which is an “8” day.

9+5+2+0+1+9= 26

Since the energy of the 8 is finance, it is a good day to schedule working on your taxes. (Don’t wait until April!)
This is an example of a calendar created for an entrepreneur with a focus on business numerology as she was about to open her own studio and needed to accomplish a great many things.

Additionally, the Universal Day can be calculated for your date of birth(purple number on the calendar), a day on the calendar (black on calendar) and for the ‘birthdate’ of your business (green on the calendar).                  

Bonus Tip: set your timer for fifteen minutes on any task you dread- you’ll be amazed at how much you can get done in that time.

The magic energy of the fifteen:
1= moving forward,
5= discipline and creating change,
1+5= 6; the energy of the 6 is about creating harmony. Getting tasks done really does create harmony!

This numerology magic helped me complete my first published book and helps my clients, like entrepreneur Yuki Agoot, run her yoga studio. “After Tricia created the calendar for me, it was almost like magic. I was able to add the tasks to my schedule and get them done!” (Watch our YouTube 1:1 calendar creation titled “Business and Fitness Numerology with Yuki by Tricia Gunberg”.) Update: Yuki is celebrating 1 year in business on 8/10/2019!

Get your to-do ta-done, ta-da!

I hope you found this organizational tool inspiring. If you would like to see if it works for you, email me for a FREE Universal Day calendar. Send your request to Be sure to add “FREE Universal Day” in the subject line and include which month you would like created. For the full post go to   


