There’s a big mistake I see many spiritual entrepreneurs make, and I’d love to help some of you avoid it. I understand we all want to succeed – and the wonderful thing about spiritual entrepreneurs is that we all want each other to succeed as well. But there is an epic mistake so many of us make in marketing our businesses, and it wastes a lot of time, energy, and money.
It’s copying what other people do, simply because we see it worked for them.
How many times have you gotten an email from someone in the middle of a “launch” and figured that this method must work, so you’ll try it too?
Or how much time have you put into creating landing pages, or lurking in Facebook Groups, or trying to build an email list, simply because you see other entrepreneurs doing these “tactics” with great success?
You may say to yourself:
“This person’s business is similar to mine! And when I look at this one snapshot of a moment of success in their business, it appears that their success hinged on this single marketing tactic they employed. I’m sure they probably put years of effort into their craft, and provide a great deal of value to their audience, but I don’t see that here. I only see this one marketing tactic that appears to be the key to their success. I’m going to emulate that tactic in my own business!”
And chances are it won’t work for you. But why?
Well, the truth is that nearly all the things you see others around you doing are sound tactics, and have certainly helped some people achieve the success they were seeking. The mistake I want you to avoid isn’t using any particular tactic. The mistake is using any tactic that doesn’t fit your personal strategy.
Marketing is not about acquiring leads and making sales.
Marketing is about giving, and providing an abundance of value to the people you serve. It’s about putting all of your energy out into the world, freely. It’s about allowing that energy to work for you, and to attract the people who resonate with it, so that they will come back to you on their own.
This is the difference between a marketing strategy, and a marketing tactic.
Your strategy as a spiritual entrepreneur is to figure out in what ways can you most effectively share your brilliance – your core genius – with the world? In what ways can you provide the most value to your audience?
There is nothing wrong with using ads to showcase your landing page and free resources. There is nothing wrong with writing a book, writing blog posts, creating a video series, using live videos to talk to people, doing a textbook “launch”, getting active in Facebook groups. And so on.
There is nothing wrong with any of these tactics, unless the tactic does not work to help you provide value.
If you see something work for someone else, and then try to copy it in the hopes it will also work for you, then your strategy is merely hoping you will get leads and customers. You saw the tactic work for that person, but you did not see the extreme value that person put out into the Universe before employing that tactic.
So the epic mistake many of us make is to skip the extreme value part, and go right to the tactic of acquiring leads.
A better strategy is to find the marketing tactics that play to your strengths. Find the avenue that allows you to share your gifts freely. It should feel natural, almost effortless because you are no longer trying to effect an outcome, but simply share what’s inside of you and just bursting to come out.
I promise you, when you find the tactic that makes you shine, the right people will notice immediately, and want to talk to you, refer you, work with you, learn from you, strategize with you, and hire you.