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Author: Sarah Lloyd

Picture of Sarah Lloyd
In the media and PR business for 23 years, Sarah Lloyd quit her global corporate role in 2017, in a bid to be a master of her own and to bring a better balance to her life, which led her to setting up her own PR and Brand Consultancy – IndigoSoulPR. An intuitive and Reiki Energy Master herself, she specializes in working in ‘flow’ and has thrown the rule book out the window. Her mission is to teach and guide others to share their stories, without fear, on their terms. Specializing in her own brand of magic-based, conscious PR and communications – her Alchemy strategy sessions help ignite the fire within, acknowledge blocks, and help transmute all that has held clients back from stepping up and sharing their mission and purpose. In March 2020, her book Connecting the Dots – ‘A Guide to making Magic with the Media’ was published via the Unbound Press. She is also a radio presenter on Wellbeing Radio – her show explores all the ways to share your story on your terms in all areas of your life. She is also the Publicist for The UnBound Press and That Guys House Publishing House. And in 2020 became a judge in the Soul & Spirit Awards.

PR Tip: Go with the flow…

We are seeing a shift from the old, it’s there if you look hard enough. The pandemic has seen a lot of fear-based reporting, mainly in the news segments of shows and publications, scaring us into submission, ensuring we are doing as we are told. Segments of magazines and papers with a different vibration – conscious writers and editors wanting to focus on positive or uplifting stories. Consumers are desiring a more truthful and meaningful connection through storytelling – and some are switching off the mainstream media because it has become hugely triggering for some. However, where there is fear in the news, the features, and stories often in the same publications are carrying balanced, happy and motivational messages.

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