Vulnerability: A Human Paradox
Vulnerability is an essential element of living a human life. And like much else on earth, it is a contradiction… So the question becomes, “How safe do we feel showing the world who we really are?”
Vulnerability is an essential element of living a human life. And like much else on earth, it is a contradiction… So the question becomes, “How safe do we feel showing the world who we really are?”
The Ego is a paradoxical whack-a-mole that leaves behind a trail of emotional reactions. Prior to the Ego program installation there was no concept of separation – we were naturally, unknowingly in Oneness. But now, we evolve back to Oneness, however this time we are conscious to it.
Are you getting distracted by what society and your conditioning tells you you should worry about? In this article, Nicola discusses why fear is so prevalent today and what we can do now to start shifting our consciousness towards the holy grail of inner peace, fearlessness and freedom.