The Sustainable Way to Navigate Difficult Situations
What are you supposed to do as a spiritual person living in this very physical world?
What are you supposed to do as a spiritual person living in this very physical world?
And what I find is that we get stuck in a cycle of over committing that actually leaves us little, or in some cases, no time to give to ourselves, to nourish ourselves, to refuel ourselves, let alone create and participate in our lives.
If it was ok, to disregard yourself like this, you wouldn’t feel so bad.
So why in my teenage years did I start having so much anxiety, that still can flare it’s ugly head occasionally now?
Even when it involves another person, it is our energy that needs to change.
The little pleasures in life. Sometimes we are so caught up in, who knows what, that we forget about them.
How often are we ashamed of our desires? i.e. not in alignment with what we want.
Each time you catch yourself in a lack mindset, use it to shift your perspective to a more abundant one.