Ali’s Weekly Reading: May 29-June 4, 2017
Greetings, readers! We find ourselves this week ending the month and delving into the sixth month of the year. Do you realize what this means?
Greetings, readers! We find ourselves this week ending the month and delving into the sixth month of the year. Do you realize what this means?
Good day, my fellow readers! Here we are at yet another week where we will continue to travel down this road that we call life.
Hello, my readers! I hope everyone had a lovely Mother’s Day filled with love. Let’s move on to the message of the week. This week
Hi everyone, Welcome to this week’s reading! Hopefully, with the abundance of energy, you were able to make strides last week. This week continues to
Hi my fellow readers, Welcome to this beautiful week we have before us. The energies are definitely stirring a lot of good vibes around us.
Hi, my friends! I am excited to be moving towards the new week ahead. Every week when I begin this process I have great anticipation
Hello! Hello! Here goes to a new week ahead. There is a certain beauty in knowing that no matter what the week or the day
Hi everyone, I hope you are all ready to embark on yet another week in the glorious month of April. April has given us a
Hi, everyone! Welcome to the new week. As we enter the first full week of April, you may be feeling that there is an urgency
Hello, readers! Here we are in the last week in March. What is extra special is that this week also signals the beginning of a