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Are You Struggling to Sell?

Has your property been on the market for months, maybe longer?  Have you had some viewings but there has been no offer yet?  Or have you not had any viewings at all?  You may wonder why!

I am sure you have probably tried all the usual selling tips…

  • Give the property a fresh coat of paint
  • Remove any clutter
  • Tidy and clean the property
  • Bake a cake a couple of hours before the viewing
  • Put on a fresh pot of coffee so the aroma travels around the property
  • Remove any signs of you owning a pet
  • Add fresh flowers or plants

The seller will wonder what the reason could be, but to me it is obvious, there is something wrong with the energy (qi) of the property.

When you walk into a property, people say they get a feeling, they cannot explain it, it is a ‘knowing’.  It can be a warm feeling, the place can feel bright, open, and welcoming.  On the other hand, it could be a cold, eerie, strange feeling, and it is this feeling that puts potential buyers off.

If you are a buyer, you often know if the property is right for you as soon as you walk through the door, you do not know how you know, you just do.  You unknowingly tune into the energy of the property.

The housing market in England is booming now; as soon as a property is put up for sale, it is usually sold within a few days which is exciting.

Over the last six months, I have been contacted by clients, including an estate agent, who have properties that they just cannot sell.  There are no obvious reasons why these properties are not selling, it can be very puzzling.

Reasons can jump out at you, it could be that the property is built on a busy junction or road, opposite a graveyard or church, next to a hospital, parking is limited; but quite often I am finding there is no obvious reason at all.  The property in question may have lots of positives, e.g., fully refurbished, bright, modern, and has a neutral color scheme, a property like this would normally be snapped up straight away.

Once I have ‘remotely cleared’ all the negative energies in the property, to the surprise and relief of my client, the property sells.

I always recommend that the seller also does a space clearing on the property too, this will increase the energy further.  The reason being, there is a possibility that the previous owners maybe argued a lot, divorced, suffered from illness, or had a bereavement.  These upsets can leave behind a ‘detrimental energy form’ which occupies the space they live in.  Future residents can also be affected by this detrimental energy form and often add to the negative energy by also quarreling or becoming ill, patterns can be noticed.

It is common for the same properties in the street to repeatedly be ‘For Sale’.  It is often due to a repeating pattern of illness, relationship breakdown, or divorce.  If you notice a repeating pattern on your home whether you are trying to sell it or not, then it is particularly important to space clear it or any other property.

CLICK HERE if you wish to read my previous Spiritual Biz article for detailed instructions on how to space clear. I recommend everyone does a space clearing on their property as soon as they move into their new home. Think of it as giving your property a spring clean.

