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Are You Running Your Business as a Change Dabbler?


Is your business building strategy more of a surprise set of hiccups or do you have a long-term consistent strategy that you implement daily?

People who are change dabblers give a full college try for about a week, then it starts to dwindle and then the list of excuses begins as to why it didn’t work out, why it wasn’t working, or what got in the way. They then jump into the next thing and in a short while the next. Dabbling this way ensures that you will master nothing and keep that spin cycle going for months and sometimes years.

“Successful people don’t drift to the top. It takes focused action, personal discipline and lots of energy every day to make things happen,”  Jack Canfield.

This quote has been true in my reality. With my business, our team is a commission based service industry. Through the years, countless customer surveys and secret shoppers the same thing rings true time and time again for those that never truly succeed and eventually leave the industry.

When the treatment door closes, the wheels come off the bus. The service quality falls away and the client feels that the therapist is disinterested in them and spends most of the time talking about them or their own personal problems instead of about them.

These are usually the same flavor of a team that is not consistent in their marketing, submittals, showing up, participating in events. During our business mentorship coaching the list of excuses at some point years ago became funny to me. It started to be difficult to sit through these meetings listening to the list of excuses as to why an article or a series of Facebook posts were not completed.

“I was on a diet.”
“I started a new relationship.”
“I was tired from binge-watching Netflix.”
“I was on fire at Karaoke this week.”


Honestly not kidding. These are excuses I have received over the years and this is just a few. They also typically have client days of no clients. So 8 hours of time to work on these things instead of working on Facebook likes or selfies. We suspect they were practicing Karaoke in their rooms instead while the rest of us were servicing clients. Have to keep that reign on the stage you know.

To build consistently and have a profitable business consistently you need to have a no exceptions policy. Under no exception, the pipeline fillers must be completed.

Creating successful business building habits takes time. It is uncomfortable, it is scary, it is frustrating and it can be fun. To build that habit is just like the habit of exercise, healthy eating, learning a new language. You have to go all in for 90 days. ALL IN. Not 8 hours one day and then you will pick up again later because you would rather go for supper with friends while your business fails in the background.

While at supper be sure to tell them how hard it is to have a business and be successful. You have to build that list of excuses, remember? Or are you willing to give up being a “Change Dabbler” and start rising to the top with the other successful people?


