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Are You Lucky in Love? – Continued…

People will go to great lengths to find true love.  I hope you enjoyed the last month’s article which gave you tips on how to attract your perfect partner into your life.  This article requires your attention to detail and if you follow the instructions, it could help to bring the happiness you desire.  I mentioned last month, it is very important to check the South West and North West sectors on your floor plan.

Are the North West or South West sectors missing?  If they are you will need to remedy this.  The North West sector corresponds to the Man and the South West sector corresponds to the Woman, Love, Relationships and Marriage.

You can check if you have these sectors missing by using a floor plan of your home.  Measure the width and length of your property & then divide your floor plan into 9 equal squares (see example below).  Use a compass to determine the direction of your front door, you can do this by standing at the threshold of your entrance door (looking out) and take the compass reading e.g. 40˚ North East.  If your entrance door faces North East you should mark the square your door falls into as the North East sector and then mark all the other sectors accordingly.


Example: If you wish to attract a woman into your life, then you must activate the missing south west sector.  Or vice versa, if you want to attract a man, you must activate the missing north west sector.  As the south west also corresponds to romance, love and marriage, you should also activate this missing sector even if you want to attract a man.  If you have a bathroom/toilet, kitchen or store room in the south west or north west sector, then this may hinder your chances of attracting Mr or Mrs Right.

What should I do if the North West or South West corner is missing?
A great activation for this issue is to hang a mirror on the wall where the missing area is (see example below).  This will expand the space visually where the missing corner is.  Another option that would help activate the sectors is to put a patio here, or use a rock or fence to mark out the missing area to give the impression that the sector is there.

What should I do if I have a toilet or bathroom in the North West or South West sector?
If this is the case you can help by keeping the door closed to the bathroom at all times.  You can activate the north west of your lounge with earth elements or the south west sector of your lounge with candles or a lamp.  Leave this lamp on for as long as possible.  To find out where these sectors are in your lounge, shrink the same bagua down that you have used in the diagram above and place it just over your lounge floor plan.  This will show you where the sectors fall in your lounge or you can use a compass; stand in the middle of the room and the compass will show you where these areas are.

I have a kitchen in the North West or South West, what should I do?
If your kitchen is in the north west, you would need to strengthen the earth element by either painting it in an earth color like beige or add stones to this sector.  You could add pairs of objects in the south west.  It would also be a good idea to activate these sectors in your lounge too as I recommended if you have a bathroom here.

You can activate the North West or South West in other sectors of your home too.


You can choose any of the ideas from the list below.

Office Desk (NW) – Place your computer in this sector or moving metal object.  
Office (NW) – Place a fan in this sector or a moving metal object like a wind-chime or pendulum clock.
Lounge (NW) – Place your television in this sector.
Bedroom (NW) – Place a photograph of a handsome man here.
Garden (NW) – Place metal sculpture here.


Both men and women should activate the south west of their home as this corresponds to love, romance and marriage.  You can choose any ideas from the list below.
Office Desk (SW) – Pink or red flowers, romantic image or a lamp here.

Office (SW) – You could place a lamp here or a romantic image.
Lounge (SW) – Images of romance is perfect in this sector.  You could use candles or vases too.
Bedroom (SW) – Place a lamp in this sector and leave is on for as long as possible.

Garden (SW) – Place a few small boulders here or one large one. A cement statue of a romantic couple or maybe some pink or red flowering plants.


  • Remove any photographs of your ex-partner from sight, if you are constantly looking at them, subconsciously they will be blocking you from attracting a new romance.
  • You could hang a crystal in a south west window to attract more romance energy.
  • Create a wish box by using a silver square or round box.  Write down your wishes for your new partner on a blank piece of paper, and then place this into the box.  If you want to attract a man use a round box, then place this box out of sight in the north west.  If you want to attract a woman, use a square box and place this box out of sight in the south west.  You can use this box to add other wishes too.

Please get in touch by email to let me know your success stories. 

I love a happy ending!


