Are you? Are you fully present in your life to win it? Whaaaat? What do I mean by that?
Everyone in the “spiritual” world is always cautious to put any kind of connotation that sounds competitive into their lingo. However, when it comes to creating your reality and even more so your profitable, thriving business – you cannot always play nice if you are truly in it to win it.
Triggered yet? Great! That is exactly what I am looking for.
Being in it to win it means that you will not lose your focus, or your momentum and that you will do whatever it takes to create your dream, your target, your goal, and your increase in profits.
Say this next line in a whiney voice please – “Well why can’t I be nice and achieve that too?”
Because if you want to be nice you will stop at the first “NO” you receive. You will buy into every excuse, sob story and “Mercury is in retrograde” story that comes across your path. If you do the reading and the research you will find that the greats that you admire in business, or other areas of interest, always talk about overcoming obstacles and being rejected more times than you can shake a stick at. I can shake a stick at about 20 things before I become bored or my arm starts to hurt and I can tell you I have been rejected way more than 20 times.
When I was in Architecture and Design the excuses were – I didn’t have the completed specification for PT1 for the 4th floor corridor. Since entering the Complementary Health sector 14 years ago, that turned into Mercury is in retrograde and I have Aries rising and Mars in the first house of my natal chart so I just couldn’t. In other words – we are choosing to not contribute to our own success. We are not in it to win it.
To have a profitable thriving business you need to stick to your guns, make no excuses, listen to no excuses and make sure that you have the right people on the bus that are going to get you there. You want people who are willing to have money, and are striving for something bigger. This means doing your due diligence on your joint venture partners, your team members, your book keeper, your printer, and your suppliers. If you demand the best, you will receive the best. This also means that you too need to become the best so you need to do your due diligence on yourself. Where do you require training, and mentoring? What are your weak spots? Closing deals, explaining your offerings, providing a killer experience?
This might seem like A LOT of work, if you are in it to win it, then it becomes fun. With each polish of your company you get to see the numbers jump. You are able to assist more people. You are able to make an even bigger difference. But if you are not in it to win it – you bump along, you struggle, you ride the “economy” wave like a roller coaster at Six Flags, all the while making excuses as to why people are not choosing you without ever doing anything about it.
So I leave you with this question – Truth, Am I In It To Win It? If you get a yes – Right on! If you don’t, it’s time to start asking questions about why that is.
If you are in it to win it then it is time to step up and create your spiritual business. Get your 7 Steps To Create Your Spiritual Business by clicking below now.