I remember when we first opened, we put out thousands of dollars in advertising to bring in clients. Yet time and time again we heard new clients say – We had no idea that you were here. In short – we were not being found.
We did all the “right” things. Website, facebook, youtube videos, twitter, linked in, newsletters, tradeshows, open houses, joint venture partnerships, print media, newspaper ads, you name it, our MasterCard bought it.
We did this for years and then everything changed.
In a business class, I took a while ago the instructor stated, “If you are an elephant hunter, you must go where all the elephants are”.
That was such an “aha” moment for me. As simple as it was, it brought the realization that advertising only works if you are advertising where your elephants are. At the time we were not.
So as usual in my world, out came the questions:
1. Where are our elephants? What is the first thing they do when they are struggling with the issue that our company has the solution for?
Now let’s be super clear here – we offer a solution for one very specific thing. In our business, it is undiagnosed infertility. We have a huge program built around it. We don’t do arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, athletes, etc. JUST UNDIAGNOSED INFERTILITY.
When you are really crisp and clear on your issue that you solve – finding your elephants becomes easy. Creating your marketing and sales strategy becomes easy. Working from your heart center because you are the solution they require and this is how you are of service to them.
2. What kinds of advertising opportunities are in the locations that our elephants hang out in?
Example: If you work with female bodybuilders – advertising opportunities where they hang out are: gyms that are home to female bodybuilders as a high demographic – tv monitors in the gym, JVP with the gym and leave your literature there as well as a possible referral system between you and the gym, competitions – sponsorship and print media at the event.
Now that might seem like only two. But if you master them – in other words, take some classes and training on referral systems, sales, and marketing, events, etc you would only need 2-3 where you are the be all, end all.
There are great coaches out there to assist you with mastering events and shows, there are amazing trainers out there to help you with setting up affiliate and referral systems. You get the idea.
This is truly how you are found. Go where your elephants are and master that arena. You are the solution. They require you to achieve their goals.
Are you and your business ready to be found?