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Are You A Great Pretender?

Do you sometimes feel like you are living someone else’s’ life? Do you wake up some days and wonder what you are doing and how the heck did you get here? Are you pretending to be creating your life you desire when in actual fact you feel lost and a bit disorientated as to what you should be doing?

Well, great pretender – let’s assist you with getting out of the pretending and into the creating, generating and actualizing of your real life.

great pretender

STEP #1. What the heck do you want? If you don’t know what you want and believe that the universe provides so you will just bump along – you are pretending. If you are waiting for your family, business, partner, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend gets something, finishes something. You are pretending.


STEP #2. How do you want your every day to be like? Do you want to be happy, joyful? Do you want to be fulfilled? Do you want to be loving?  Here is a delicious question to ask: What energy, space, and consciousness can me and my body be to be __________________ (fill your desire in here).


STEP #3. Create a 3-month action plan. Take one thing that you want to accomplish that is REALISTIC that will start to create the future you desire AND enable you to be what you desire. Once you have that. Break it down into bite-size, doable chunks. You will do 3 things a week. No more. No less. Do 3 things a week for the 12 weeks. Put it into a checklist. Make copies. Program your bite-size pieces into your daytimer, google calendar, whatever you use to track things.

During those time chunks, turn everything off, put up your do not disturb signs and get to it. Really get to it. Choose you. Do it for you. Stop pretending and get creating.


Choosing you and creating your future that you desire takes time and commitment. It does not require to be hard work, just dedicated work and consistent execution.  Consistent. Execution. Consistent. Execution.

So are you going to pretend that you are happy with what you are creating or is it time to take off the costume, strip off the makeup and the wig and get real?


