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Any Size Could Do

072016-ljames-imageIsn’t it interesting that sometimes people are afraid of change because they conceive that change has to be something big, something that takes effort and seems insurmountable.

Dreams may be any size. Troubles can be any size. Solutions can be any size too. 

In line with my work in counseling and energy healing sometimes I’m sharing with people who assume their concerns are too big to make a change. I explain and demonstrate the subtle energy systems within them and how we can enhance their touch and healing using life-energies, and also the simple changes in the cognitive influences.

The same goes for building the business where we think that great changes have to come at once.

Quite by accident the other day I saw an awesome teaching from the Universe and wanted to share. While messaging a friend I was asked what I was doing that weekend. I quickly typed a response, and as I quite often do I did not check my wording.

Don’t you just hate it when you think you’ve got your message across properly yet it wasn’t received as your mind had intended?

I had said to my friend that I was doing “mediation” that night. Now this seems in line with counselling work and I didn’t pick up on it at first. What I meant to say was “meditation”, which is also in line with my work. Both words convey a meaning at two ends of the spectrum. Subtle calm and peaceful energies, to intense and often fiery communications with others.

One Letter Changed It. Only one letter had changed in the word, yet the meaning of the word was vastly different.

How interesting to note that we can miss small and simple things, and have enormous deviations from our intention.

Or putting it the other direction, how small our changes can be, and yet have immense outcomes in favor of our desires.

The meaning we place on things can infect the way we then do things.

Childhood issues when we saw our parents response to us as hurtful and that becomes our story.

Or in the workplace, someones astute attitude to getting a job done can be translated as aggressive or too forthright for our beings at that moment in time.

Comfort can come from knowing that this is normal for most, if not all of us as we negotiate around other peoples meanings and perception.

We are beautifully complex organisms clothed in peculiar material that we call our bodies. Our spirit, our soul and our growth to awareness is the divine course of life. Yet, with each moment there can be something wonderful to change our perspective into something more conscious and growth fulfilling.

In our businesses we will come across many people at all levels of their understanding of consciousness and awareness of spirit. Not just with the clients or friends we assist or coach, but also with the business partners or associates of the marketing and business related activities we engage in.

There are always moments to observe and learn from. To create a better us and a better world is what we are about. And so in looking at one moment in my attempt to quickly message a friend on Facebook, it turned into more than a moment of learning, and hopefully more than a moment for you too.

One Degree of Change.

One small change can define a new direction.

One small effort to communicate more effectively can change a relationship.

One small improvement in our Facebook page can encourage others to stay a longer and look.

One small phone call or and extra 5 minutes with a client can be the influence needed to stimulate more referrals in our spiritual businesses.

One small change…. massive outcomes can occur.

With this in mind, we can all find small things the do each day to progress on our path. Pick something, no matter how small and change it.

Be open to universal possibilities, stay connected to Divine Love and grow.


