With so many light-workers already activated and in service, we have been creating our spiritual businesses in hopes of bringing our gifts of healing to the masses. Yet we find ourselves not able to find enough clients to sustain us in transitioning out of our old careers and into the abundant spiritual business that we know we are capable of experiencing.
We know during this time of global awakening, there are many souls who are in need of assistance in the healing process. Each one of us lightworkers (spiritual healers/entrepreneurs) has the ability to help and heal these newly awakened souls, but there is one thing missing “Connecting”.
The souls who are newly awakening and seeking healing have a bit of a problem on their hands, they are not sure what is happening and who would be the perfect fit energetically to assist them on their journey. Although there are many healers out there, some who claim to be “Healers” are unfortunately influenced by the dark forces which have worked their negative energy into the spiritual healing world. Some of these people are not qualified or they are playing on people’s fears to profit for their greed which in turn adds to the prevention of the global awakening.
In bringing this to light you can see that if someone who is seeking out answers gets entangled with the wrong “Healer” they may be turned off to the possibility of continuing their spiritual awakening. Once a person has a negative experience with spiritual healers/entrepreneurs and their work, they are most likely to not continue on their path while telling others that this is a farce. This is why I am so excited to be writing this article today so I may introduce the world to a highly regarded healer, as well as a very successful spiritual entrepreneur herself. Here is the story of how Amy AevonAestra Gebo came up with this incredible business of connection.
Amy’s personal background involved childhood trauma, abusive relationships, substance abuse and loss. Like most healers, she had to endure many difficulties of crisis, trauma and eventually healing. Amy’s story is no different, as a result of the hardships and not understanding why these things continued she eventually developed breast cancer. In her own words, she believes cancer (symptom) showed up to “shake up her whole world” in order for her to finally awaken, heal and then find her power.
Amy started out working in the recruitment field. Loosely translated, Amy’s job was to assist individuals with finding the proper job which suited their business and professional skills to the best possible match to both companies and to the individuals themselves. Amy excelled at this work, enjoyed it and also found it to be financially rewarding as well. In time, however, Amy found that the other areas of her life began to overshadow her business success, such as unfulfilling relationships and past trauma’s coming back to haunt her. Before she knew it panic attacks were becoming a frequent often daily occurrence in her life adding to the tension that she was feeling.
She tried the “conventional medications” to calm things but to no avail. So she sought out alternative methods of self-treatment, and starting with Reiki she began taking classes in order to help her deal with the panic attacks she was having. As her learning increased, she began practicing not only on herself but as she put it “I put my hands on anyone who would let me”! Soon her spiritual gifts began to open up to her and she began receiving intuitive messages, embraced them and started sharing the messages with those she was working on finding that her intuitive gift was “dead on”. Amy was definitely making strides in her healing work but unknown to her another situation was brewing.
While her healing work was going well her recruitment career was going along well also. She progressed from program management to special education recruitment and onward. Working in a hospital setting seemed to work well for Amy as she was in a position to hopefully practice what she was learning on her own time with the people she worked with. Unexpectedly, it was around this time that Amy found out that she had breast cancer. Because of her work with Reiki she was more prepared for what was next, she dove into the spiritual realm wholeheartedly. Along with the prescribed treatments, Amy employed everything she had learned about how to take care of herself in a spiritual way. She tackled her toxic relationships by making amends with those she could and to “spiritually make amends” with those she couldn’t do so with in person. She further went on to shift her diet to one based on healthy foods specifically an alkaline diet and even abstained from the use of alcohol in order to clear all toxins from her system.
Enjoying the success that Amy was having with this she thought to bring this to the workplace with less than pleasing results. When her attempts to bring this to the work environment failed it was then that Amy decided to go full on into her own practice. Starting with a small office of her own she was there for only 6 months before she realized that she needed to move into a larger space. It seems that her idea was working in that not only was she performing reiki services but was also providing classes for the growing spiritual community in her area. Things went along well for Amy at this point, her business was growing and she had even won her battle against breast cancer. She continued along this path for roughly three to four years and then realized that her career path was about to change once more.
As the classes in Amy’s center continued on she began to realize that she was inadvertently creating healers herself with her teachings. She was educating her students to do what it was she was doing and in time, of course, she realized, that these people as well would be stepping into practices of their own and would be taking on clients of their own. In time she also realized she needed to take things in a different direction for her own career purposes and set about seeking spiritual guidance as to what that direction was. It was then that the idea for “SOUL STAR SOURCING” was born.
“SOUL STAR SOURCING” is Amy’s newest creation. The business motto is Aligning Authentic Souls with Spiritual Services & Sacred Spaces, and with Amy’s talents, it is set to do just that! Combining both her spiritual knowledge and her recruitment knowledge she has set her business up to match spiritual entrepreneurs with the proper clients and so much more.
The process is simple at any level you sign up for you will be asked to fill out a profile. You will be asked for your name, your contact information, business info, bio info, certifications etc.. basically what you can do for your prospective clients. Once your info is in the database you will be part of a referral network she is building. As she finds clients who are seeking services she will be making referrals to the people in the referral network database. Once done you are in and her service begins.
Basically what Amy has done in her own words is she created a sacred space to work in with others that helps everyone. When you join as a featured or premium member there is an invitation to you and your higher self to access the Temple of Manifestation with her. It is an Etheric Temple that she created from her spirit business to connect to our power, to connect to our abundance, she is using the vibration of both the clients and the healer when matching them up. This allows the Bringing of Consciousness and spirituality into this business model, matching them vibrationally through resonance, which she believes is different from the way others connect their people with clients.
Because of her intuition and empathy, Amy is feeling her way into the client’s needs by matching them with the appropriate healer. Having over 17 years of many healing modalities herself, she intuitively knows what methods of healing to direct the client towards in finding the correct healer not just on a national scale but on a global scale. Amy emphasized this by informing us that Soul Star Sourcing, although based here in the United States, is set up to function as a global business and in fact she already has clients coming to her on an international level. One note for all healers: to ensure quality levels of professionalism all entrepreneurs will be asked to work with Amy in order to ensure credentials. When you are working with Amy, you have the benefit of her years of experience in both the recruitment and Spiritual fields which allow her to provide you with the best service possible.
For more information, CLICK HERE to check out Amy’s website. Amy encourages all people, nationally and internationally to contact her directly with any questions regarding this new business.