Welcome readers!
It’s incredible that we are entering the ninth month of the year.
How fast time has passed.
So far, this year has proven to be a remarkable year. So many things seem as if it were so long ago. That is how far we have come in our transformation this year.
It appears that there continues to be a lot of energy that is still settling around us. This energy builds up settles and then goes through another cycle of this. This week is no different with the full moon event occurring on Wednesday, September 6th. Earth is continuing to recalibrate and settle its energies. There is so much going on all around us. We can see it on a global scale in our world. What exactly are we looking at this week as this energy trickles down to all of you.
This week you are sitting on your throne full of ideas, creativity flowing, and all this energy that has built up inside. You have reached new levels of self- development and you can feel it right down to your core. There is nothing that can stop you from what you feel deep inside. You are in a position that you are ready, willing, and have found a way to make your ideas work. You have aligned yourself completely (mind, body, and spirit). You have gained an understanding that all these components must work as one if you are going to be able to proceed.
The month begins with giving you this gift so that you can fully heal and you can fully begin to see results in what you are working on. What you need to understand is that immersed in all of the internal fire that you feel, you have to work extra hard to maintain focus on what you truly wish to do. The universe is asking you to step into the shoes you were meant to walk in. Be the leader, the author of your life. Don’t get swept into someone else’s vision of you. During the full moon work on releasing negative Karma that you continue to carry not just from this lifetime but from past life times. Understand your abilities, and speak with courage and certainty. Work on maintaining balance in your life.
This week focuses on allowing love into your life. It can be more self-love, love of family, friends, or a special romantic interest. Allow this feeling to flow naturally from you. Do not force it as love is a naturally occurring emotion that must be experienced freely by all parties. These blocks have been worked on for the past few weeks and this is the moment when you practice on allowing this energy flow to occur. Work on increasing communication with others and work on listening to what others are saying. You may find that in this communication exchange there is a valuable message you just might have been waiting to hear. You will continue to build strength. The strength that will allow you to be a better person and will nurture the world around you.
The energies continue to be set for the manifestation of what we seek is aligned to our life purpose. Each one of us is going through our own personal journey. However, collectively as human beings on this planet our energies intertwine and depending on the energy we put out there is what we experience as a society. Be mindful of that thought in your day to day lives. When the week carries a great deal of intensity it is always important to protect your aura so that you may maintain peace and equilibrium throughout the week. Continue to manage your stress levels throughout the week ahead.
The crystal Jade, Amber, and Garnet are the energy frequencies that most align with the energies felt this week. Jade is a crystal that helps to harmonize your mind, body, and spirit. It can be used if you feel yourself getting out of balance this week. Amber’s properties are very strong in protecting your aura and will help you maintain a creative focus on your projects. Garnet is a good protection stone. It helps to help manage stress, regenerate your energies, but it is also good to facilitate the release of Karma that you do need to hold on to. Use this crystal when you are releasing during the full moon.
Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,