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Ali’s Weekly Reading: September 25-October 1, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 11.29.44 AMHello all!

Apparently, this is the last week of the month of September.

Talk about time flying.  With so much occurring on our planet this month time has zoomed by.

All this activity has shaken up our environment, the energies that are present around us, and you as an individual.  It has left the planet feeling hot, with an unrelenting intensity that can make things feel overwhelming.  So, this is where you find yourself this week.  The effects of these natural disasters have either directly or indirectly affected you. 

This week you may find that you are taking a different approach to life than in the weeks prior.  You have worked through many things and accomplished a lot in a short amount of time.  However, now it’s time to take a step back and relax for a while.  The energies the universe is releasing is very strong.  This can make it difficult to think clearly.  It can also make you feel like your mind is too busy at times.  All of this will make decision making stressful and confusing.  You have to take time to sooth the energies.   Refresh your house, and yourself.  Cool the energies so that you can feel centered and your thoughts will become clearer. As you do this you feel less drained and less overwhelmed.

This is a week to relax and to work on yourself.  Give yourself time to adjust to the changes that have transpired.  You may find at times that you are not moving forward, or find that you are afraid to move forward.  This energy is actually being sent as a tool to help you slow down for a moment and regroup.  You are not locked into this moment of time.  Release any negative thoughts that keep you in fear of moving forward as this is not the intention of this energy.  This energy can better be directed to focusing on you.   This week is going to be about continued spiritual self-discovery.  Spend time with your preferred method of spirituality.  Delve deeper in meditation, and in connecting with God, spirit, your guides, and angels.  You will experience bouts of increased intuition that will begin to forge your next steps in life.

As the week progresses so will your sense of inner peace.   Do not be impulsive in your decision-making.  Any important issues that require resolution must be thought through fully.  Try to deter from making emotional decisions.  Focus on balancing your emotions and creating a peaceful and loving place around you.  Help others do the same and by doing this all the energies will hopefully settle and placate themselves.  The universe continues to work on three very basic principles of love, peace, and spirituality.  This continues to resonate as the overall message that has been set forth.  Align yourselves fully to these three principles and your life will continue to flourish.


The crystal whose energies are most felt this week are Amazonite, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz.  Amazonite is a very soothing crystal.  It helps soothe trauma and calms the soul.  Amethyst is a crystal that increases your intuition.  It also helps to bring you balance and helps you to feel more peaceful.  Rose Quartz is known as the love stone.  It actually works on your heart chakra by bringing balance and opening it to all forms of love.

If you own these crystals then practice this exercise several times this week.  Lay down in a comfortable quiet place.  Place the Amazonite on your forehead, the Amethyst between your eyes, and the Rose Quartz over your chest.  As you lay there quietly begin to feel the vibrations of these crystals.  Imagine with your mind’s eye how these crystals are beginning to calm your thoughts.  Continue to feel this vibration until you are completely at peace.  See how the Rose Quartz is neutralizing the heart chakra that is over your chest and its opening up the lines of energy that extend from your heart. 

Each line represents the love of self, the other compassion, the other relationship love, etc. and see how one by one the blocks begin to disappear.  As you continue to lay there in silent contemplation if any messages you receive write them down.  This will help you to move forward by placing you in a better emotional place to continue to grow as a person.  It will also assist you in letting go of any emotional clutter that keeps you from fully relating to others in whatever capacity you need to. 


Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,


