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Ali’s Weekly Reading: October 9-15, 2017

apple-570965_1920Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is ready for the week ahead.

The ruling energy this week is a combination of love coupled with intensity.  It’s quite a strong combination.

We are entering the week after spending last week re-asserting your position, your goals, and your intentions.  We hold these truths close to our heart.  I know you have spent a great deal of time imagining and planning out your actions.  Congratulations!  However, so have many others.  This leads to a large amount of people taking charge of their lives, and orchestrating their outcomes.  That equals many people at the same time holding tight to their personal truths.  This can at times cause unexpected conflicts as each one of us is unbending.  This is the intense aspect of the week.

The way to move through this is to recognize the dynamics that are at play and use the power of love, empathy, compassion to move through those emotions.  Continue to strengthen this chakra.   Understand that to move past this you have to understand yourself and where the other parties are coming from.  You know your worth, you know your knowledge, and be confident in who you are.   Try to avoid situations that lead to power struggles, disputes of ego, and anger flare-ups.  I’m not suggesting the week will be conflictual.  I’m saying the week is about putting into practice all that we have learned about love.

This lesson the universe is sending down in waves is meant to be learned and carried through for a very long time.  Learn it and use it not just this week but in the future.  It is through this measure that will integrate the lesson of balancing your emotions.  Truly learning to self-regulate.  You are going to use it to continue to play a role in not just your happiness but doing what you can do to help others along the way by providing that kind word, smile, or understanding that someone needs.  You may find that this week you will find yourself in this position at least once.  This is all part of the long-term plan that the universe has in store for you.


Readers have you ever heard the expression “smile because you never know who is falling in love with your smile”?  This is exactly the element at play here.  The formula is quite simple.  I can see it before me through my third eye.  You have opened and strengthened the heart chakra, you have learned about yourself, you have learned to understand and feel empathy for others, you use what you have learned and move through everyday life putting this principle into action this equals self-confidence, feeling good about yourself, and emitting an energy that is all lovey and bright.  Well, this energy your emitting is being picked up by others that are crossing your path.  In this cross is where those of us that are looking for love connections will find them.

Another aspect that is being heightened this week is the art of communication.  You have to admit this is a nice combination!  So, having said all this my readers who are looking to find a special love connection go out there and mingle with others.  Let this energy fill the room and capture hearts.  You have an added boost this week of communicating the language of love.  The right words and actions will intuitively come to you.  Trust me.

I suggest beginning the week with a bath that is used to attract love elements.  Use a bath or any other method that you prefer.  Try a honey, cinnamon, and clove bath so that you can energize your aura and leave it ready to attract love into your life.  Feel free to inbox me for more details on this.

The energies of the week are tied very strongly this Rose QuartzAmazonite and Chrysocolla are adding and amplifying the energy of the Rose quartzRose Quartz is a crystal that helps with love in all its forms.  Amazonite helps to balance emotions while remaining true to yourself.  Chrysocolla facilitates communication and increases your capacity to love.


Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,


