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Ali’s Weekly Reading: October 30-November 5, 2017

key-2471021_1920Hello readers!

We have a lot of work ahead of us this week.

This week the universe is working it’s magic to help you gather up whatever emotional issues or concerns no longer serves a purpose in your lives.

We have certainly already done our fair share of releasing this year but this week seems particularly intent on working your hearts center.  It is pulling whatever heaviness emotionally is weighing you down and causing those bouts of unhappiness that you seem to get from time to time.  Those are the kinds of issues that it is targeting this week.

It is no wonder that the universe is using this time to help you facilitate this release since by the end of the week we will have our full moon event on November 4th.  It is a so-called Supermoon so it will appear closer to earth.  Really be mindful this week of the deeply seeded situations that have been holding you back and bringing you down.  On certain levels these thoughts and feelings you harbor keep you from fully fulling what you truly wish to accomplish.  It creates this false sense of fear that prevents us from taking the plunge and fully giving it your 100% to perhaps that relationship, that work venture, that which you truly wish to have fulfilled in life. 

Take time this week to work through these blockages that have built up over a long time and sort them out.  Do the work this week to put these things on the purging shelf so by weeks end it is released into the universe.  This week will bring to light all of the walls you have built and give you a clear-cut plan on how to move beyond all of this.  Once you release this to the universe with the full moon at the end of the week you will feel lighter, freer, and a sense of calm will wash over you. 

There are many many times in life that we avoid paths to cradle and protect our emotions.  These walls serve a purpose for you during that time.  It protects your psyche and your ego.  It gives you time to sort it out.  However, there are some things that we choose to leave enclosed in those walls and simply create a new room with new windows and doors to operate from.  The problem is that this other room still exists, and it is keeping you from truly making headway in that area of your life.  It has come time to empty it out and dismantle it once and for all.

The energy available this week is exceptional for this type of work because it is also carrying with it energies that will help extract the negative while at the same time providing you with soothing calming energy.  This week as you go doing all this emotional work you will be raising your vibrations restoring all that encompasses the heart chakra.  You will be stabilizing it by increasing confidence and building self-esteem.  You are raising your awareness and building a stronger, more confident you. 

The crystals that can be most helpful this week is Rose Quartz, Apache Tears, and Amazonite.  Rose Quartz properties help to build that strong sense of self, build up your inner power while balancing your emotions.  Apache Tears will help to draw out negativity, act as a magnet to draw out what is emotionally hidden to help you release these emotions.  Amazonite will prove most useful as it is a very soothing crystal that helps to keep you calm while you work through all your emotional baggage.  You can use all three crystals together or you can interchange Apache Tears with Rose Quartz, but always use Amazonite when working through anything emotional. 

You can perform this activity under the full moon to help you release what no longer serves you during the full moon event.  During the week as you go working through your emotional issues write them down on a piece of paper and place them in a jar.  At the end of the week when you have finished working on them go outside and speak directly to the moon.  Tell her what you are releasing.  Let her know what you are inviting in, what you want to have in your life and let her know how this no longer serves you.  Burn these papers in a fire safe container and as you do let her know that as they go burning they are being released from your life.  (always practice safety when performing this activity).

Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,


