Greetings readers!
We are moving along nicely throughout this month.
We have all undergone a mini metamorphosis as we were re-evaluating our positions.
This week continues in the same spirit of change. The energy that is felt most predominantly among us is that commonly referred to as “the winds of change”. There are many plans, many events, many..many things that are at the brink of manifesting. I can smell it in the air and that all has to do with the energy the universe is putting forth. The universe began this spin several months ago and it is continuing to weave its energies to cause much needed energetic changes. These changes reflect in you as a whirlwind of ideas.
This week expect to challenge your thoughts, your directions and that of others. You will continue to do this throughout the week so that you can find your own direction and the place where you want to be. This does not mean that you are stuck and clueless as to what your lot in life is, but rather it’s the universe’s way of letting you know that you have grown past your current place in life. At this time, you are bumping shoulders within your space because you have outgrown your safe cozy box you were building for yourself.
The universe is filtering the important, and the not so important, from your space. The events of this week will bring you clarity and objectivity to circumstances that are before you. Learn to go with the changes and not fight the change. Fighting the change will leave you to feel upset, drained, depressed, and not comfortable with yourself. Instead, take the week to move with changes that have been filled with positivity. You have asked the powers that be over and over for that which you wish to manifest and now the universe is delivering. The thing is that as the little pieces go fitting into the puzzle of your life it needs to make some adjustments and that my friends are what you are all feeling.
So, things are not going exactly as you planned them, there have been some alterations made along the way, but you are on the right track. You will find yourself in a more grounded space with more stability and a stronger sense of personal power. Expect some public recognition this week. This could be at work, with loved ones, at home. In some way shape or form, you will acknowledge this week. Be mindful of the recognition that comes your way as this speaks directly to your inner power, and the strength you have within to share with the world.
The crystal elements that are most abundant this week is Lapis Lazuli, Coral, and Tigers Eye. Lapis Lazuli assists you in making things clearer, allowing something that was in the dark to be placed in the spotlight. Coral helps with feelings of sadness, but it also serves to attract love and prosperity to you. Tigers Eye is one of my most favorite crystals. Tigers Eye is a grounding stone that offers you protection and also helps to build up your inner power. If you can sit outside in nature (backyard, balcony, by your window sill if nowhere else) with these crystals and just close your eyes. Feel the energy releasing from these crystals and just practice some deep breathing exercises allowing the energy of the crystals to fully integrate with your own. This will give you a deep sense of stability, purpose, and serene happiness.
Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,