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Ali’s Weekly Reading: May 8-14, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-05-08 at 6.29.33 PMHi everyone,

Welcome to this week’s reading!

Hopefully, with the abundance of energy, you were able to make strides last week.

This week continues to mark May as a very favorable month for us. It may feel slower pace because the energies that were pushing you have calmed down quite a bit.   The universal energies are continuing to send positive meaningful energies to us.

As the week opens, you will find the paths that we have before us are all favorable in nature.  The energies of luck and adventure are stirring from within each of you and not from external factors. There is a great amount of self-work that has been going on in the background while you moved on with your day to day.

The week is marked for personal growth and development.  The road before you whichever one you choose is marked for success.  As we begin our approach to the middle of the year, you find yourself beginning a new phase in your journey. As the weeks have passed, you have discovered a lot of what truly makes you happy and what you truly wish to strive for.  This is the perfect time to deepen your spiritual growth.  It’s a time where the universe is giving you the strength to proceed with self-confidence.  The time for self-doubts is now in the past, and you must continue with this renewed life vision.


As the week progresses, you may still have issues that you continue to deal with that feel heavy on your mind.  These issues weigh you down because you know that it is something that you can’t continue to carry and you must let it be.  Let it go and keep moving towards the best version of your most authentic self.  You can help, give advice, protect, and be there for someone but do not allow their energies to comingle in your space.  You must find a way to help and not be drawn into this energetic chaos.  When your energy is at its purest, for some reason you become a magnet for those that seem to need help in this area.  As this week opens, take a moment to protect your energy field so you are not affected by this type of situation.

The week is a very favorable one.  It has a great amount of luck, opportunity, and happiness.  Use it to proceed down the path that brings you the most joy and happiness as this is the road that will yield the most success.  This is a week where you realize that you are on a journey for you.  You have goals, dreams, and aspirations that you have to continue to build on.  It’s a good week for new jobs, games of chance, and new love.  New! New! New!  Check the old at the beginning of the week and live the adventure you have before you.  Be mindful of everything around you and how it makes you feel.  You are the magnet for success, abundance, prosperity, and love.

Energies of the week are tied to the energies found in Aventurine, Rose Quartz, and CitrineAventurine is an excellent crystal for luck and happiness.  It assists in creating opportunity, and luck where you need it.  Rose Quartz helps to increase self-love and self-confidence thereby increasing the ability to allow love to enter your life.  Citrine is a crystal that brings abundance and happiness into your life.  It also helps to protect negativity from entering your energy field.


Wishing you an amazing week!
Love & Light,


