Greetings, readers!
We find ourselves this week ending the month and delving into the sixth month of the year. Do you realize what this means?
We are at the halfway point of the year. We are right in the middle of 2017. Isn’t that fantastic?
This past week was at times challenging in many ways especially when we are not fully ready to let go.
One of the marvelous things about the beginning of this month is that it coincides with waxing crescent moon. We have just moved out of the new moon. It’s of great significance because it reinforces the universal energies around you to support you in your growth and development of what you are looking to manifest.
This week is a week for meditating and reflecting, being one with the stillness of your thoughts, desires, and intentions. Look deeply into yourself and see your place within your journey. Acknowledge all that you have learned and all that you wish to project. Learn the path to act and speak accordingly. Allow the voice to your inner truth to strengthen as this will help you continue advancing the next half of this year. You’ve come too far to stop now!
This week’s meditative reflection is intended to help you persevere down your path. It’s your turn now to take the reins and forge your path. No two paths are ever alike. You can not do what your friend, neighbor, colleague did and yield the same results. It’s your turn to understand your place and build your own bridge down your path. Your angels and guides are with you every step of the way. Communicate with them, ask for continued guidance, and continue to develop your connection to spirituality.
By the week’s end, you will have entered a new phase of life. A phase where you are ready to spring into action. You will be centered, clear headed and ready to act on your dreams and hopes. If at some point this week you discover that you are repeating patterns. It’s a great week to obtain clarity on why patterns are repeating. Often times it’s an issue that we have brought forth from a prior lifetime that needs to be resolved or a lesson that needs to be learned.
The crystal energies that are present with us this week is Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, and Zebra Agate. All very strong and very spiritual in nature. Turquoise is a crystal that aside from balancing all of your major energy points also will aid you in communicating inner truths. It will assist you in finding that voice. Lapis Lazuli will assist you gaining inner wisdom. It will help to unlock higher levels of consciousness. Zebra Agate will give you the push to move out of a daydreaming state and into life living state. All the while helping you stay grounded and centered.
Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,