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Ali’s Weekly Reading: May 22-28, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 8.52.38 PMGood day, my fellow readers!

Here we are at yet another week where we will continue to travel down this road that we call life.

Exciting isn’t it?

The exciting splendor of May is almost coming to an end.

May traditionally is the month where spring flowers blossom has in fact given us just that.  We spend the first half of the month with glorious energy to do, to build, to manifest our desires.  This week, my dear readers, will be profound.  See just as the flowers bloom this time of year, they also need nourishment to maintain its beauty.  This is where we find ourselves this week.

Many events have occurred this month, and you may be feeling as if it’s too much too soon.  Typically, this can cause a stress reaction that can impact your daily life.  The universe is assisting you in setting things in order.  It is helping you get rid of the things that are no longer a priority and replace it with the newness that has recently entered your energy field.  Your shelves are being purged.  You can assist the universe by identifying and letting go of the things that should no longer be a priority or be present in your life and let them go. You will see that as soon as you do this, you will re-instill a sense of calm and order to your center.

bible-1310889_1920Take this week as a time to regroup and reconnect with yourself.  It’s a week to recharge your own batteries and see the beauty that is your own.  You’ve come a long way.  Reflect on the time passed and compare it to where you find yourself today, and you will see much has changed.  You are not the same person you were.  You’ve grown, you’ve learned, and you have blossomed.  Take pride in that and enjoy yourself.

Spend the week in a personal spiritual retreat.  Thank your spiritual sources for the amazing work they have done for you and your journey.  In doing this, you are assisting the universe to bless you with energies that will continue to attract light to your energy field and fill you with happiness and with power for manifesting as new things appear in front of you.

When the week is over, you will emerge with an understanding that you will continue to do great things. It is intended to stimulate your motivation and to propel you into new leadership type roles.   The universe is projecting a great deal of intensity with the energies it is showering you with this week.  It can become emotional, and it is best to work through these emotions so that you can regain balance in your life.  It’s a week to fall in love yourself and then perhaps find love in return.

Great crystals that will help you release and renew this week are Chrysocolla, Citrine, and Carnelian Chrysocolla is a very gentle crystal that will provide you with soothing energies that can help you when releasing things that no longer serve a purpose on that top shelf.  Chrysocolla works with both the throat and heart chakra helping to align both these chakras to ease emotions and provide you strength and balance. It will help you find the new voice for the new person you have emerged into.  Citrine is a crystal that promotes happiness, abundance for you this week.  Carnelian is a crystal of vitality and motivation promoting a life surge of energy to refuel your energies.


Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,


