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Ali’s Weekly Reading: March 20-26, 2017

Hello weekly readers, here we are starting yet another week in the wonderful new year.  I’m excited to bring you this new forecast for the week ahead.  It’s always a good practice to be in tune with the universe in order to proceed as favorably as possible.

There are times, however, in which we cannot change the outcomes. It is during these times that we have to reflect on the message the universe is putting forth and understand what it means to you in your life’s path.  This is one of those weeks.

I know that we will begin spring equinox this week.  The birth of a new spring season promotes new births and new things to come.   The earth’s energies are changing causing a shift.  The universe is preparing to align us with these new energies, and with this shift at the beginning of the season comes important lessons that souls need to learn.


Take time this week to ponder on the events that are unfolding before you and communicate with your higher sources to gain the full understanding of the lesson you need to learn.  The lessons that are coming to light are lessons that have to do with compassion and spiritual love.  This week you will come across situations that will help you gain perspective on what is truly important to you.  It will help bring to focus your true priorities.  The radiant energies that will be felt will give you the inner fire to move towards situations that will yield new avenues and exciting opportunities.  You will find that you are more able to communicate with an inner voice that is full of wisdom giving way to a feeling of being aligned with your higher purpose.

Relationships that are true will experience growth and the bonds of love with strengthening.  You will find it much easier this week to gain understanding over difficult situations and you will be much more willing to forgive and move toward more peaceful beginnings.

This week is a week that brings new things.  The main growth you will see will be within yourself.  You see it is through this method that the universe is rewarding you by assisting you in meeting a life lesson and in turn allowing you to feel aligned with the universe and your life’s purpose. New possibilities are just around the corner.  It is recommended to remain very close to spiritual sources.  Connect with your higher power, angels, and spiritual guides.  They have messages for you.  When you receive the message write it down so you can reflect on it at a later point.

The energies of this week correspond to the energies found in the crystals named Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, and Rose QuartzScreen Shot 2017-03-20 at 12.01.00 PM Lapis Lazuli this week is pulling double duty.  It will help you connect to spirituality and will also help bring to light the lessons that need to be learned.  Turquoise will aid in communication and bring balance to your space.  Rose Quartz will assist in opening your heart chakra increasing compassion and understanding.  Their vibrations are felt strongly this week.  Use them in connecting to spiritual sources.


Wishing you a wonderful week.

Love & light,



