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Ali’s Weekly Reading: June 12-18, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 6.21.41 PMGreetings readers!

Welcome to the week of June 11th.

Well, you made it.  You made it through the releasing, soul searching, reshaping adventure of the last couple of weeks. Where does that leave you now?

It leaves right where you need to be to continue the work that you set out to do.  This week, the sun’s energy will be felt very strongly.  It’s a time for action, for increased energy, for gaining clarity over situations that were once hidden, and for seeing things with optimism.  Use this energy to its full advantage.

This is a week where you will proceed full of intention and ready to create your path your way.  It’s a week where you will learn new things either about yourself, others, or pertaining to your journey that you did not know.  We never stop learning and we will never know everything.  Be open minded and receptive.

Try to avoid situations that have the potential to heat up as this will stall your plans for the week ahead. The sun’s strong energies can flare up emotions and can cause the heart chakra to become unbalanced.  You will gain clarity over people or situations and will see the reality in a different light.

Maintain your focus on remaining balanced in mind, body, and spirit.  This perfect alignment will bring good fortune into all areas of your life. You can achieve this by taking the time to connect to nature and the universe.  This will help you to remain optimistic and find solutions avoiding being part of the drama that can ensue this week.  Be confident in who you are, and what you have to offer.  Your life is your journey to living on your terms.  Surround yourself with positive vibes and continue to enhance your connection to spirituality.

The crystals that will provide you with balancing your energies and increasing good fortune are Jade, Zebra Agate, and AmethystJade is a beautiful crystal that is strong and helps to put you in alignment. It harmonizes with these energies to bring good fortune to you.  Zebra Agate is a crystal that helps to ground you to the earth helping you see things with greater optimism.  Amethyst is a crystal that will help you achieve increased levels of spirituality and will also help you to communicate your feelings with clarity.

Use Jade and Zebra Agate together to help bring you to a greater sense of balance this week.  Its energies will help you to feel calm when the energy is most intense.  Simply get comfortable holding these crystals in the palm of your hand for at least 15 minutes.  Their vibrations will help to harmonize your energy points. Meditate using an amethyst to continue to enhance your connection to the angels, guides, and spirit.


Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,


