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Ali’s Weekly Reading: August 7-13, 2017

Screen Shot 2017-08-07 at 4.12.09 PMHello, everyone!

August is proving to be the most energetic month of this year so far.

It has so much vivacity that it is important to understand how to fully take advantage of all the gifts the universe is giving to us.

This week is particularly special since it includes a lunar eclipse during the August full moon.  It is quite interesting.  During the full moon, many of us engage in releasing and letting go of patterns, feelings, or whatever it is we feel is blocking us at the moment.  The lunar eclipse this month will serve to heighten this effect by forcing you to look deep within so that you can release the issues that are deep rooted and negatively impacting your progress.

This week, the astrological events that are occurring are causing a major shift at a universal level.  This shift is bringing about major changes that will propel you to move forward.  You are being shifted to new levels of consciousness and being.  Expect this week to gain new levels of experiencing and viewing life.  You will experience a new reality as things that were once not visible come to light.  Your perception is being altered to see the direction, beauty, and possibilities that you were blinded to.  This shift is intended to be a part of your own personal growth and development.  It will increase your confidence levels and give you a much-needed boost in your self-work.  Keeping with the true nature of the full moon it is a good time to release what no longer serves you.

During this cycle, the universe is working a great deal with opening your heart chakra.  Work on releasing emotions that keep you from being fluid in your life.  Feelings that prevent you from making progress in work, relationships, and the people around you.  This particular full moon is helping you get rid of that what causes you to be too hard on yourself or others, on emotional road blocks due to hurtful events, blocks that prevent you from showing compassion to people or situations.  This moon is combined with the lunar eclipse that will force you to look, dig deep, and release those deeply rooted blockages that are serving no positive purpose in your life any longer.  It has no room in the new place you are being shifted to, helping you to release and regain balance and control with this energy area.

You have put a lot of energy work already into creating the life you want.  It is a good week to obtain victory in long term projects you have been working on.  It is favorable for being publicly recognized for your hard work and dedication.  So, make sure you are carrying yourself confidently and do not be shy about who you are and what you have to offer this world.  It is particularly favorable this week to be heard and recognized.  This week is one of transformation.  As the universe weaves its magic to shift your energy to new levels you will feel an increase in awareness with a new-found optimism.  You will feel your confidence levels soar, and you will feel empowered to follow your passion.

The crystals that will be of much help this week is Amazonite, Rose Quartz, and Pink LepidoliteAmazonite is a crystal that will help to bring about personal growth.  Rose Quartz will be very important this week since the week has a lot to do with clearing up the heart chakra.  Rose quartz helps to open this chakra as well as bring emotional balance, and boost self-confidence.  Pink Lepidolite is a crystal that assists in times of transformation and change. It will increase your sense of optimism and increase a love of self when needed.


Wishing you many blessings this week!
Love & Light,


