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Ali’s Weekly Reading: April 3-9, 2017

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to the new week.  As we enter the first full week of April, you may be feeling that there is an urgency to do and to accomplish.  The week opens with a lot of spiritual energy that is floating around you.Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 11.28.47 AM  It’s a good week to spend some quality time connecting with a spiritual source such as god, angels, and your spirit guides.

The universal energies that are being sent this week will feel mellow and will help ground you.  You have to trust in them and let go of the reigns so they can guide you to what is best for you and your journey.  Listen to the messages and direction they are trying to give you.  Spiritual sources have wisdom and knowledge that once were hidden and can now bring to light.  They are manifesting things that are for your highest and greatest good.  They are working with you to set up foundations that will yield good results.

This week focus on long-term plans and goals.  Set up structures that will help ground you spiritually and financially.  You were meant to succeed in your path.  Sometimes immediate gratification will give you a boost, but this week is about establishing roots and really laying some groundwork for yourself.  The universe is speaking to us and it is saying that it’s time for humanity to feel secure and to continue down a path that feels right.  It is calling for humanity to begin and deepen the connection with spirituality.  It is only through this method that true positive lasting changes can occur in our world. The wavering indecisive thoughts need to be set aside.  The positive energies are on your side to help you do whatever it takes to make you feel strong. meditation-338446_1920 They are working towards strengthening your core to really give you the inner power to strive and get what you need to be successful on this journey we call life.

This week make it your business to spend time with family.  To give love and more importantly receive love from them.  This will feel cathartic because in the love exchange you will gain emotional healing on some level.  You will gain strength from this beautiful energy exchange in ways that you may have never thought possible.  Take the week one day at a time and really be mindful of the decisions that you make because the decision you make will be lasting and will serve to stabilize you in the future.  Be present with everything you do especially where family is concerned.  There is so much to gain in these interactions.  I recommend you to log the spiritual messages you receive in a journal.  I guarantee you will be reflecting back on these messages in the future.

The crystals that most associate with this week’s energies are Lapis Lazuli, Tigers Eye, and Apache TearsLapis Lazuli will assist you in deepening your connection to spiritual energies.  Tigers Eye is a strong grounding stone that will help give you clear perspectives.  Lastly, Apache Tears will help you with emotional healing.


Wishing you all the best this week.

Love & Light



